ENCODE: ATAC-seq of different tissues during embryonic development

Results for Alx4

Z-value: 3.70

Motif logo

logo of

Transcription factors associated with Alx4

Gene Symbol Gene ID Gene Info
ENSMUSG00000040310.6 aristaless-like homeobox 4

Correlations of motif activity and signal intensity at CREs associated with the motif's TFs:

This plot shows correlation between observed signal intensity of a CRE associated with the transcription factor across all samples and activity of the motif.

For each TF, only the top 5 correlated CREs are shown.

CRE Gene Distance Association probability Pearson corr. coef. P-value Plot

Activity of the Alx4 motif across conditions

Conditions sorted by the z-value of the Alx4 motif activity

Move your cursor over a bar to see sample name and corresponding Z-value.

Top target CREs of the motif:

Cis Regulatory Element (CRE) Target Score Top associated gene Gene Info Distance of CRE to TSS CRE/Gene association probability
chr17_11927079_11927230 29.32 Prkn
parkin RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
chr12_51002047_51002408 29.00 Gm40421
predicted gene, 40421
chr13_99444397_99444879 28.16 Map1b
microtubule-associated protein 1B
chr2_106512677_106513062 27.92 Gm14015
predicted gene 14015
chr11_112501711_112502406 26.67 BC006965
cDNA sequence BC006965
chr12_4220043_4220458 26.36 Gm48210
predicted gene, 48210
chr4_24429061_24429567 25.64 Gm27243
predicted gene 27243
chr13_83750227_83750397 25.08 C130071C03Rik
RIKEN cDNA C130071C03 gene
chrX_166344291_166344543 24.62 Gpm6b
glycoprotein m6b
chr6_54552680_54553127 24.15 Scrn1
secernin 1
chr1_96346717_96347057 23.06 Gm37076
predicted gene, 37076
chrX_169838405_169838582 22.73 Mid1
midline 1
chr11_43270024_43270232 22.00 Gm12146
predicted gene 12146
chr9_66933818_66934187 21.63 Rps27l
ribosomal protein S27-like
chr2_56257440_56257969 21.58 Gm13518
predicted gene 13518
chr16_52387159_52387325 21.36 Alcam
activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule
chr13_83739197_83739995 21.31 C130071C03Rik
RIKEN cDNA C130071C03 gene
chr8_26677560_26678005 21.13 Gm32098
predicted gene, 32098
chr5_20056465_20056826 21.12 Gm23570
predicted gene, 23570
chr13_83749857_83750036 20.98 C130071C03Rik
RIKEN cDNA C130071C03 gene
chr1_20428787_20428938 20.96 Gm15795
predicted gene 15795
chr16_63806441_63806811 20.87 Epha3
Eph receptor A3
chr4_21095762_21096024 20.66 Gm11871
predicted gene 11871
chr16_63747767_63748162 20.47 Gm22769
predicted gene, 22769
chr10_70484969_70485278 20.45 Gm29783
predicted gene, 29783
chr3_66102086_66102567 20.03 Gm36973
predicted gene, 36973
chr10_19318275_19318532 19.99 Gm33056
predicted gene, 33056
chr15_18190039_18190239 19.67 Gm8318
predicted gene 8318
chr12_29789878_29790063 19.65 Myt1l
myelin transcription factor 1-like
chr3_78792451_78792970 19.62 Gm18952
predicted gene, 18952
chr3_5326430_5327011 18.97 Zfhx4
zinc finger homeodomain 4
chr1_67366568_67366878 18.92 Gm26342
predicted gene, 26342
chr13_84783651_84783837 18.91 Gm26913
predicted gene, 26913
chr2_132427639_132427949 18.84 4921508D12Rik
RIKEN cDNA 4921508D12 gene
chr13_58964694_58965094 18.77 Ntrk2
neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 2
chr2_70127967_70128143 18.54 Myo3b
myosin IIIB
chr6_55484275_55484600 18.52 Adcyap1r1
adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide 1 receptor 1
chr13_84751597_84751791 18.46 Gm26913
predicted gene, 26913
chr8_12126295_12126640 18.23 A230072I06Rik
RIKEN cDNA A230072I06 gene
chr16_67610911_67611282 18.20 Cadm2
cell adhesion molecule 2
chr7_74687903_74688273 18.18 Gm7726
predicted gene 7726
chr8_31895464_31895660 18.17 Nrg1
neuregulin 1
chr12_56458764_56459233 18.11 Sfta3-ps
surfactant associated 3, pseudogene
chr11_47069891_47070050 17.98 Gm12175
predicted gene 12175
chr13_52457883_52458068 17.96 Diras2
DIRAS family, GTP-binding RAS-like 2
chr13_78324889_78325040 17.81 Gm3963
predicted gene 3963
chr1_176099027_176099243 17.79 Gm38081
predicted gene, 38081
chrX_61393166_61393371 17.73 Gm14665
predicted gene 14665
chr2_41498351_41498548 17.66 Lrp1b
low density lipoprotein-related protein 1B
chr5_107497898_107498054 17.62 Btbd8
BTB (POZ) domain containing 8
chr7_96865260_96865776 17.60 Gm25712
predicted gene, 25712
chr1_81594178_81594459 17.50 Gm6198
predicted gene 6198
chr17_56472537_56473329 17.37 Ptprs
protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, S
chr12_33225655_33225815 17.29 Atxn7l1os1
ataxin 7-like 1, opposite strand 1
chr8_86961518_86961711 17.18 Gm24781
predicted gene, 24781
chr8_47642536_47642697 17.17 Gm8623
predicted gene 8623
chr2_50971381_50971555 17.16 Gm13498
predicted gene 13498
chr19_30160000_30160313 16.97 Rpl31-ps20
ribosomal protein L31, pseudogene 20
chr9_61102454_61102622 16.96 4933433G08Rik
RIKEN cDNA 4933433G08 gene
chr6_61066614_61066949 16.90 Gm43893
predicted gene, 43893
chr3_40673604_40673797 16.88 Intu
inturned planar cell polarity protein
chr17_66869624_66870037 16.85 Gm49940
predicted gene, 49940
chr13_78580917_78581111 16.83 Gm48402
predicted gene, 48402
chr12_50120116_50120285 16.81 Gm40418
predicted gene, 40418
chr3_18454033_18454237 16.75 Gm30667
predicted gene, 30667
chr10_29143863_29144732 16.68 Gm9996
predicted gene 9996
chr12_90131976_90132183 16.67 Gm48700
predicted gene, 48700
chr12_47163286_47163464 16.66 Gm36971
predicted gene, 36971
chr10_70458638_70458831 16.58 Fam13c
family with sequence similarity 13, member C
chr12_47164101_47164307 16.53 Gm36971
predicted gene, 36971
chr1_46829988_46830169 16.48 Slc39a10
solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 10
chr8_90576969_90577137 16.47 Gm45639
predicted gene 45639
chr11_28697993_28698421 16.45 2810471M01Rik
RIKEN cDNA 2810471M01 gene
chr18_40059274_40059425 16.45 Gm50395
predicted gene, 50395
chr16_91140532_91140860 16.25 Gm49612
predicted gene, 49612
chr3_50014297_50014449 16.16 Gm37854
predicted gene, 37854
chr13_71507941_71508418 16.13 1700112M02Rik
RIKEN cDNA 1700112M02 gene
chr12_58670274_58670654 16.00 Gm18873
predicted gene, 18873
chr16_43502947_43503194 15.91 Zbtb20
zinc finger and BTB domain containing 20
chr5_116895407_116895611 15.85 Gm43122
predicted gene 43122
chr11_41532495_41533004 15.80 Hspd1-ps3
heat shock protein 1 (chaperonin), pseudogene 3
chr5_84153090_84153587 15.77 Hmgn2-ps1
high mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 2, pseudogene 1
chr1_168328003_168328211 15.74 Gm37524
predicted gene, 37524
chr10_92097138_92097289 15.73 Rmst
rhabdomyosarcoma 2 associated transcript (non-coding RNA)
chr19_59006658_59006882 15.70 Shtn1
shootin 1
chr6_51767665_51767816 15.68 Gm38811
predicted gene, 38811
chr18_27956389_27956743 15.60 Gm33674
predicted gene, 33674
chr2_54265163_54265368 15.59 Gm14035
predicted gene 14035
chrX_71700854_71701085 15.53 Gm14723
predicted gene 14723
chr18_45014470_45014883 15.37 Gm31706
predicted gene, 31706
chr8_87064278_87064454 15.30 Gm18602
predicted gene, 18602
chr4_111004709_111005071 15.30 Agbl4
ATP/GTP binding protein-like 4
chr1_159015364_159015547 15.28 Pappa2
pappalysin 2
chr17_51536754_51537055 15.28 Gm31143
predicted gene, 31143
chr10_46718838_46719012 15.26 Gm19994
predicted gene, 19994
chr13_52562127_52562509 15.24 Syk
spleen tyrosine kinase
chr4_71933713_71933873 15.21 Gm11234
predicted gene 11234
chr2_63669900_63670081 15.17 Gm23503
predicted gene, 23503
chr7_64884497_64884825 15.15 Nsmce3
NSE3 homolog, SMC5-SMC6 complex component
chr7_117472401_117472742 15.11 Xylt1
xylosyltransferase 1
chr1_42703489_42704501 15.11 Pantr2
POU domain, class 3, transcription factor 3 adjacent noncoding transcript 2
chr13_83714747_83715651 15.08 C130071C03Rik
RIKEN cDNA C130071C03 gene
chr13_95995367_95995681 15.05 Sv2c
synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2c
chr9_9263661_9263812 15.05 Gm16833
predicted gene, 16833
chr7_79591873_79592800 14.99 Gm45169
predicted gene 45169
chr6_16316362_16316531 14.96 Gm3148
predicted gene 3148
chr12_44839950_44840386 14.92 Gm15901
predicted gene 15901
chr2_41093986_41094158 14.90 Gm13460
predicted gene 13460
chr1_4970686_4970886 14.87 Gm16041
predicted gene 16041
chr18_81831298_81831489 14.86 Gm30454
predicted gene, 30454
chr14_35112923_35113111 14.85 Gm49034
predicted gene, 49034
chr1_157969609_157969781 14.85 Gm38256
predicted gene, 38256
chr2_141955236_141955408 14.82 Fau-ps1
Finkel-Biskis-Reilly murine sarcoma virus (FBR-MuSV) ubiquitously expressed (fox derived), pseudogene 1
chr8_30924151_30924556 14.80 Gm45252
predicted gene 45252
chr1_41605488_41605642 14.78 Gm28634
predicted gene 28634
chr8_34326259_34326892 14.77 Gm4889
predicted gene 4889
chr4_32325733_32325955 14.73 Bach2it1
BTB and CNC homology 2, intronic transcript 1
chr8_41054736_41055125 14.73 Mtus1
mitochondrial tumor suppressor 1
chr10_33624726_33624916 14.72 Clvs2
clavesin 2
chr6_12117902_12118084 14.68 Gm6578
predicted gene 6578
chr18_78455374_78455574 14.67 4931439C15Rik
RIKEN cDNA 4931439C15 gene
chr12_12684520_12684723 14.67 Gm27952
predicted gene, 27952
chr12_33035439_33035619 14.65 Cdhr3
cadherin-related family member 3
chr3_47668909_47669138 14.61 Gm2229
predicted gene 2229
chr14_85508520_85508926 14.55 Gm9264
predicted gene 9264
chr2_181766899_181767258 14.55 Myt1
myelin transcription factor 1
chr8_49243134_49243285 14.53 Gm45832
predicted gene 45832
chr17_84749518_84749672 14.52 Lrpprc
leucine-rich PPR-motif containing
chr4_20401022_20401283 14.50 Gm11873
predicted gene 11873
chr15_85463386_85463550 14.49 7530416G11Rik
RIKEN cDNA 7530416G11 gene
chr4_71230174_71230407 14.44 Gm11229
predicted gene 11229
chr6_15397521_15397861 14.44 Gm25470
predicted gene, 25470
chr17_8368820_8369004 14.44 T2
brachyury 2
chr5_36174716_36175143 14.42 Psapl1
prosaposin-like 1
chr5_4812167_4812377 14.42 Gm44483
predicted gene, 44483
chr4_21665942_21666298 14.40 Gm11876
predicted gene 11876
chr11_11014435_11014603 14.35 Vwc2
von Willebrand factor C domain containing 2
chr2_41471881_41472032 14.29 Lrp1b
low density lipoprotein-related protein 1B
chrX_47124254_47124450 14.27 Gm14609
predicted gene 14609
chr15_37787189_37787357 14.25 Ncald
neurocalcin delta
chr12_37978926_37979077 14.24 Dgkb
diacylglycerol kinase, beta
chr1_138500251_138500631 14.24 Gm28501
predicted gene 28501
chr9_23378360_23378672 14.24 Bmper
BMP-binding endothelial regulator
chr2_93957909_93958083 14.24 Gm13889
predicted gene 13889
chrX_60545622_60545821 14.22 Gm715
predicted gene 715
chr5_81359614_81359973 14.21 Adgrl3
adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L3
chr2_21270050_21270364 14.20 Gm13378
predicted gene 13378
chr18_23036938_23037296 14.17 Nol4
nucleolar protein 4
chr16_67175484_67175665 14.17 Gm49640
predicted gene, 49640
chr13_63985759_63985962 14.11 Gm7695
predicted gene 7695
chrX_42343522_42343895 14.11 Gm14619
predicted gene 14619
chr13_20609106_20609281 14.10 Gm47721
predicted gene, 47721
chr9_37114956_37115270 14.07 Gm48716
predicted gene, 48716
chr14_77406295_77406469 14.06 Enox1
ecto-NOX disulfide-thiol exchanger 1
chr16_59854456_59854822 14.05 Epha6
Eph receptor A6
chr18_25548818_25548982 13.97 Celf4
CUGBP, Elav-like family member 4
chr1_179106714_179107112 13.92 Smyd3
SET and MYND domain containing 3
chr13_76810564_76810975 13.89 Mctp1
multiple C2 domains, transmembrane 1
chr1_74103754_74104304 13.89 Tns1
tensin 1
chr10_66546751_66546933 13.87 Gm22594
predicted gene, 22594
chr13_78181182_78181614 13.81 Gm38604
predicted gene, 38604
chr11_32019966_32020621 13.79 Nsg2
neuron specific gene family member 2
chr5_133821082_133821288 13.79 Gm7902
predicted gene 7902
chr3_26145444_26145600 13.79 Nlgn1
neuroligin 1
chr4_148327377_148327851 13.75 Gm13206
predicted gene 13206
chr7_76789063_76789214 13.74 Gm45210
predicted gene 45210
chr4_70811006_70811333 13.73 Gm11227
predicted gene 11227
chr2_101979368_101979730 13.72 Gm13919
predicted gene 13919
chr15_74194149_74194481 13.72 Gm15387
predicted gene 15387
chr11_26437833_26438032 13.67 Gm12713
predicted gene 12713
chr13_26657396_26657590 13.61 Gm47883
predicted gene, 47883
chr17_88764144_88764434 13.57 Lhcgr
luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor
chr9_41378019_41378386 13.55 Mir100hg
Mir100 Mirlet7a-2 Mir125b-1 cluster host gene
chr19_21781727_21782179 13.55 Cemip2
cell migration inducing hyaluronidase 2
chr2_142362908_142363300 13.54 Macrod2
mono-ADP ribosylhydrolase 2
chr10_43106136_43106524 13.54 Gm29245
predicted gene 29245
chr5_9339805_9340127 13.53 Gm15733
predicted gene 15733
chr10_87501180_87501623 13.51 Gm48120
predicted gene, 48120
chr2_57523169_57523407 13.50 Gm13531
predicted gene 13531
chr3_30153909_30154137 13.49 Gm38066
predicted gene, 38066
chr3_83985537_83985711 13.48 Tmem131l
transmembrane 131 like
chr5_106577659_106577832 13.47 Gm29464
predicted gene 29464
chr17_63807674_63808197 13.46 Fer
fer (fms/fps related) protein kinase
chr12_77991634_77991958 13.43 Gm8219
predicted gene 8219
chr4_111686063_111686242 13.41 Spata6
spermatogenesis associated 6
chrX_130820134_130820324 13.36 Gm26209
predicted gene, 26209
chr6_111844651_111844869 13.30 Gm22093
predicted gene, 22093
chr4_54329031_54329272 13.29 Gm12469
predicted gene 12469
chr14_75236389_75236560 13.28 Cpb2
carboxypeptidase B2 (plasma)
chr1_52079807_52079978 13.27 Gm28177
predicted gene 28177
chr11_88240584_88240997 13.27 Gm38534
predicted gene, 38534
chr7_96595597_96595770 13.23 Gm15414
predicted gene 15414
chr3_127652402_127652663 13.16 Neurog2
neurogenin 2
chr14_22679666_22680655 13.14 Lrmda
leucine rich melanocyte differentiation associated
chr6_137699415_137699798 13.13 Strap
serine/threonine kinase receptor associated protein
chr15_84531439_84531771 13.12 Rtl6
retrotransposon Gag like 6
chr5_45008044_45008269 13.12 Gm10205
predicted gene 10205
chr5_103335878_103336033 13.12 Gm42619
predicted gene 42619
chr1_3094927_3095127 13.12 Gm26206
predicted gene, 26206
chr2_72426764_72427187 13.04 Cdca7
cell division cycle associated 7

Histogram of CRE-TSS distances for CREs targeted by :

Histogram of

Rank distribution of CRE target scores:

Histogram of target CRE score.

Distribution of target CREs across different genomic regions:

Weighted Piechart of Weighted Piechart of Weighted Piechart of

Network of associatons between targets according to the STRING database.

First level regulatory network of Alx4

PNG image of the network

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Gene Ontology Analysis

Gene overrepresentation in biological process category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
8.0 23.9 GO:0097118 neuroligin clustering involved in postsynaptic membrane assembly(GO:0097118)
6.8 27.3 GO:0051612 negative regulation of neurotransmitter uptake(GO:0051581) regulation of serotonin uptake(GO:0051611) negative regulation of serotonin uptake(GO:0051612)
6.6 19.9 GO:0015746 tricarboxylic acid transport(GO:0006842) citrate transport(GO:0015746)
5.0 15.0 GO:0021529 spinal cord oligodendrocyte cell differentiation(GO:0021529) spinal cord oligodendrocyte cell fate specification(GO:0021530)
4.8 4.8 GO:2000302 positive regulation of synaptic vesicle exocytosis(GO:2000302)
4.6 18.3 GO:2001013 epithelial cell proliferation involved in renal tubule morphogenesis(GO:2001013)
4.0 12.1 GO:0048682 axon extension involved in regeneration(GO:0048677) sprouting of injured axon(GO:0048682)
3.6 25.2 GO:0016198 axon choice point recognition(GO:0016198)
3.3 9.9 GO:0072235 distal convoluted tubule development(GO:0072025) DCT cell differentiation(GO:0072069) metanephric distal convoluted tubule development(GO:0072221) metanephric distal tubule development(GO:0072235) metanephric DCT cell differentiation(GO:0072240)
3.1 3.1 GO:0048880 sensory system development(GO:0048880)
3.0 33.4 GO:0047497 establishment of mitochondrion localization, microtubule-mediated(GO:0034643) mitochondrion transport along microtubule(GO:0047497)
3.0 18.1 GO:0098598 vocal learning(GO:0042297) imitative learning(GO:0098596) learned vocalization behavior or vocal learning(GO:0098598)
2.9 8.8 GO:0052422 modulation of catalytic activity in other organism involved in symbiotic interaction(GO:0052203) modulation by host of symbiont catalytic activity(GO:0052422)
2.8 8.5 GO:0090158 endoplasmic reticulum membrane organization(GO:0090158)
2.8 8.3 GO:0032289 central nervous system myelin formation(GO:0032289)
2.7 8.2 GO:0060178 regulation of exocyst localization(GO:0060178)
2.7 8.0 GO:0035609 C-terminal protein deglutamylation(GO:0035609)
2.6 23.3 GO:0050957 equilibrioception(GO:0050957)
2.6 7.8 GO:0007412 axon target recognition(GO:0007412)
2.4 21.7 GO:0021796 cerebral cortex regionalization(GO:0021796)
2.4 7.2 GO:0097112 gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor clustering(GO:0097112)
2.3 16.0 GO:0042118 endothelial cell activation(GO:0042118)
2.3 4.5 GO:0003358 noradrenergic neuron development(GO:0003358)
2.2 8.8 GO:0060279 positive regulation of ovulation(GO:0060279)
2.1 6.2 GO:1901078 negative regulation of relaxation of muscle(GO:1901078)
2.1 10.4 GO:0061669 spontaneous neurotransmitter secretion(GO:0061669) spontaneous synaptic transmission(GO:0098814)
2.1 6.2 GO:1901843 positive regulation of high voltage-gated calcium channel activity(GO:1901843)
2.0 6.0 GO:2001170 negative regulation of ATP biosynthetic process(GO:2001170)
2.0 7.8 GO:0046959 habituation(GO:0046959)
2.0 7.8 GO:0030091 protein repair(GO:0030091)
1.9 7.8 GO:0035934 corticosterone secretion(GO:0035934) regulation of corticosterone secretion(GO:2000852)
1.9 9.6 GO:0045636 positive regulation of melanocyte differentiation(GO:0045636)
1.9 5.7 GO:1900245 positive regulation of MDA-5 signaling pathway(GO:1900245)
1.9 3.8 GO:2000974 negative regulation of pro-B cell differentiation(GO:2000974)
1.9 3.8 GO:0008090 retrograde axonal transport(GO:0008090)
1.9 15.2 GO:0021830 interneuron migration from the subpallium to the cortex(GO:0021830)
1.9 1.9 GO:0060125 negative regulation of growth hormone secretion(GO:0060125)
1.9 5.6 GO:0046684 response to pyrethroid(GO:0046684)
1.8 5.5 GO:0097155 fasciculation of sensory neuron axon(GO:0097155)
1.8 5.5 GO:0032483 regulation of Rab protein signal transduction(GO:0032483)
1.8 7.3 GO:0031117 positive regulation of microtubule depolymerization(GO:0031117)
1.8 5.4 GO:0089700 protein kinase D signaling(GO:0089700)
1.8 7.1 GO:0070366 regulation of hepatocyte differentiation(GO:0070366)
1.7 10.4 GO:0048681 negative regulation of axon regeneration(GO:0048681)
1.7 6.8 GO:1902669 positive regulation of axon extension involved in axon guidance(GO:0048842) positive regulation of axon guidance(GO:1902669)
1.7 3.3 GO:0031223 auditory behavior(GO:0031223)
1.7 5.0 GO:0061031 endodermal digestive tract morphogenesis(GO:0061031)
1.6 6.5 GO:0060164 regulation of timing of neuron differentiation(GO:0060164)
1.6 1.6 GO:2000981 negative regulation of mechanoreceptor differentiation(GO:0045632) negative regulation of inner ear receptor cell differentiation(GO:2000981)
1.6 8.0 GO:0016576 histone dephosphorylation(GO:0016576)
1.6 4.7 GO:0045423 granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor biosynthetic process(GO:0042253) regulation of granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor biosynthetic process(GO:0045423)
1.6 6.2 GO:0006537 glutamate biosynthetic process(GO:0006537)
1.6 7.8 GO:1902866 regulation of retina development in camera-type eye(GO:1902866)
1.5 21.4 GO:0003334 keratinocyte development(GO:0003334)
1.5 6.0 GO:0006166 purine ribonucleoside salvage(GO:0006166)
1.5 7.5 GO:2000481 positive regulation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity(GO:2000481)
1.5 1.5 GO:0060244 negative regulation of cell proliferation involved in contact inhibition(GO:0060244)
1.5 4.4 GO:0036135 Schwann cell migration(GO:0036135) regulation of Schwann cell migration(GO:1900147)
1.5 7.4 GO:0021631 optic nerve morphogenesis(GO:0021631)
1.5 5.8 GO:0097476 motor neuron migration(GO:0097475) spinal cord motor neuron migration(GO:0097476)
1.5 7.3 GO:0032488 Cdc42 protein signal transduction(GO:0032488)
1.4 26.1 GO:0021952 central nervous system projection neuron axonogenesis(GO:0021952)
1.4 24.2 GO:0071475 cellular hyperosmotic salinity response(GO:0071475)
1.4 6.9 GO:1903887 motile primary cilium assembly(GO:1903887)
1.4 4.1 GO:0001661 conditioned taste aversion(GO:0001661)
1.3 4.0 GO:0060235 lens induction in camera-type eye(GO:0060235)
1.3 2.6 GO:0060825 fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in neural plate anterior/posterior pattern formation(GO:0060825) regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in neural plate anterior/posterior pattern formation(GO:2000313)
1.3 2.6 GO:0051964 negative regulation of synapse assembly(GO:0051964)
1.3 2.6 GO:0002121 inter-male aggressive behavior(GO:0002121)
1.3 2.5 GO:0070777 D-aspartate transport(GO:0070777) D-aspartate import(GO:0070779)
1.3 3.8 GO:0071504 response to heparin(GO:0071503) cellular response to heparin(GO:0071504)
1.3 3.8 GO:2000821 regulation of grooming behavior(GO:2000821)
1.2 3.7 GO:0015803 branched-chain amino acid transport(GO:0015803) leucine transport(GO:0015820)
1.2 8.5 GO:2001224 positive regulation of neuron migration(GO:2001224)
1.2 15.8 GO:0031290 retinal ganglion cell axon guidance(GO:0031290)
1.2 1.2 GO:0061642 chemoattraction of axon(GO:0061642)
1.2 3.5 GO:0006562 proline catabolic process(GO:0006562)
1.2 5.9 GO:0014816 skeletal muscle satellite cell differentiation(GO:0014816)
1.2 3.5 GO:0061368 behavioral response to chemical pain(GO:0061366) behavioral response to formalin induced pain(GO:0061368)
1.2 5.9 GO:0060287 epithelial cilium movement involved in determination of left/right asymmetry(GO:0060287)
1.1 3.4 GO:1901841 regulation of high voltage-gated calcium channel activity(GO:1901841)
1.1 5.7 GO:0031339 negative regulation of vesicle fusion(GO:0031339)
1.1 6.8 GO:0014054 positive regulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid secretion(GO:0014054)
1.1 3.4 GO:0038095 Fc-epsilon receptor signaling pathway(GO:0038095)
1.1 3.3 GO:0003221 right ventricular cardiac muscle tissue morphogenesis(GO:0003221)
1.1 5.6 GO:0048852 diencephalon morphogenesis(GO:0048852)
1.1 3.3 GO:0070358 actin polymerization-dependent cell motility(GO:0070358)
1.1 4.4 GO:0048003 antigen processing and presentation of lipid antigen via MHC class Ib(GO:0048003) antigen processing and presentation, exogenous lipid antigen via MHC class Ib(GO:0048007)
1.1 3.3 GO:1990123 L-glutamate(1-) import into cell(GO:1903802) L-glutamate import into cell(GO:1990123)
1.1 3.2 GO:0002767 immune response-inhibiting cell surface receptor signaling pathway(GO:0002767)
1.1 3.2 GO:0031585 regulation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive calcium-release channel activity(GO:0031585)
1.0 2.1 GO:0003330 regulation of extracellular matrix constituent secretion(GO:0003330) positive regulation of extracellular matrix constituent secretion(GO:0003331)
1.0 3.1 GO:0044339 canonical Wnt signaling pathway involved in osteoblast differentiation(GO:0044339)
1.0 11.2 GO:0021871 forebrain regionalization(GO:0021871)
1.0 2.0 GO:0060618 nipple development(GO:0060618)
1.0 6.1 GO:0006307 DNA dealkylation involved in DNA repair(GO:0006307)
1.0 5.0 GO:0007256 activation of JNKK activity(GO:0007256)
1.0 4.0 GO:0021914 negative regulation of smoothened signaling pathway involved in ventral spinal cord patterning(GO:0021914)
1.0 4.0 GO:0023041 neuronal signal transduction(GO:0023041)
1.0 2.9 GO:0097105 presynaptic membrane assembly(GO:0097105)
1.0 2.9 GO:0061153 trachea submucosa development(GO:0061152) trachea gland development(GO:0061153)
1.0 1.9 GO:1903818 positive regulation of delayed rectifier potassium channel activity(GO:1902261) positive regulation of voltage-gated potassium channel activity(GO:1903818)
0.9 1.9 GO:0003289 atrial septum primum morphogenesis(GO:0003289)
0.9 4.7 GO:0014028 notochord formation(GO:0014028)
0.9 3.7 GO:0021979 hypothalamus cell differentiation(GO:0021979)
0.9 4.6 GO:1900122 positive regulation of receptor binding(GO:1900122)
0.9 2.8 GO:0021554 optic nerve development(GO:0021554)
0.9 1.8 GO:0035262 gonad morphogenesis(GO:0035262)
0.9 6.4 GO:0060179 male mating behavior(GO:0060179)
0.9 4.5 GO:0035881 amacrine cell differentiation(GO:0035881)
0.9 2.7 GO:0042126 nitrate metabolic process(GO:0042126)
0.9 2.7 GO:1903899 positive regulation of PERK-mediated unfolded protein response(GO:1903899)
0.9 7.1 GO:0060539 diaphragm development(GO:0060539)
0.9 2.7 GO:0036112 medium-chain fatty-acyl-CoA metabolic process(GO:0036112)
0.9 3.5 GO:0043402 glucocorticoid mediated signaling pathway(GO:0043402)
0.9 6.2 GO:0071625 vocalization behavior(GO:0071625)
0.9 2.6 GO:0070634 transepithelial ammonium transport(GO:0070634)
0.9 6.9 GO:0046069 cGMP catabolic process(GO:0046069)
0.8 2.5 GO:0008355 olfactory learning(GO:0008355)
0.8 10.1 GO:0010842 retina layer formation(GO:0010842)
0.8 2.5 GO:1901475 pyruvate transmembrane transport(GO:1901475)
0.8 2.5 GO:1903223 positive regulation of oxidative stress-induced neuron death(GO:1903223)
0.8 2.4 GO:0072051 juxtaglomerular apparatus development(GO:0072051)
0.8 5.7 GO:0016338 calcium-independent cell-cell adhesion via plasma membrane cell-adhesion molecules(GO:0016338)
0.8 0.8 GO:0072108 positive regulation of mesenchymal to epithelial transition involved in metanephros morphogenesis(GO:0072108)
0.8 3.2 GO:0000957 mitochondrial RNA catabolic process(GO:0000957) regulation of mitochondrial RNA catabolic process(GO:0000960)
0.8 2.4 GO:0046532 regulation of photoreceptor cell differentiation(GO:0046532)
0.8 1.6 GO:2000054 negative regulation of Wnt signaling pathway involved in dorsal/ventral axis specification(GO:2000054)
0.8 4.7 GO:0048341 paraxial mesoderm formation(GO:0048341)
0.8 8.6 GO:0051386 regulation of neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway(GO:0051386)
0.8 1.6 GO:0045634 regulation of melanocyte differentiation(GO:0045634)
0.8 2.3 GO:0045074 interleukin-10 biosynthetic process(GO:0042091) regulation of interleukin-10 biosynthetic process(GO:0045074)
0.8 0.8 GO:0046865 retinol transport(GO:0034633) isoprenoid transport(GO:0046864) terpenoid transport(GO:0046865)
0.8 2.3 GO:0035880 embryonic nail plate morphogenesis(GO:0035880)
0.8 3.1 GO:0071947 protein deubiquitination involved in ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process(GO:0071947)
0.8 2.3 GO:0071288 cellular response to mercury ion(GO:0071288)
0.8 3.0 GO:0042997 negative regulation of Golgi to plasma membrane protein transport(GO:0042997)
0.7 3.0 GO:0072257 metanephric nephron tubule epithelial cell differentiation(GO:0072257) regulation of metanephric nephron tubule epithelial cell differentiation(GO:0072307)
0.7 6.7 GO:0060736 prostate gland growth(GO:0060736)
0.7 5.2 GO:0071732 cellular response to nitric oxide(GO:0071732)
0.7 2.2 GO:0021898 commitment of multipotent stem cells to neuronal lineage in forebrain(GO:0021898)
0.7 1.5 GO:0060005 vestibular reflex(GO:0060005)
0.7 3.7 GO:0071371 cellular response to gonadotropin stimulus(GO:0071371)
0.7 2.2 GO:0007258 JUN phosphorylation(GO:0007258)
0.7 2.2 GO:0006015 5-phosphoribose 1-diphosphate biosynthetic process(GO:0006015) 5-phosphoribose 1-diphosphate metabolic process(GO:0046391)
0.7 6.5 GO:0048280 vesicle fusion with Golgi apparatus(GO:0048280)
0.7 2.2 GO:0035860 glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor receptor signaling pathway(GO:0035860)
0.7 3.6 GO:1903215 negative regulation of protein targeting to mitochondrion(GO:1903215)
0.7 1.4 GO:1903367 regulation of fear response(GO:1903365) positive regulation of fear response(GO:1903367) regulation of behavioral fear response(GO:2000822) positive regulation of behavioral fear response(GO:2000987)
0.7 1.4 GO:2000609 regulation of thyroid hormone generation(GO:2000609)
0.7 12.1 GO:0010758 regulation of macrophage chemotaxis(GO:0010758)
0.7 2.8 GO:0035627 ceramide transport(GO:0035627)
0.7 3.5 GO:0036289 peptidyl-serine autophosphorylation(GO:0036289)
0.7 1.4 GO:0000101 sulfur amino acid transport(GO:0000101)
0.7 3.5 GO:0035948 positive regulation of gluconeogenesis by positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter(GO:0035948)
0.7 1.4 GO:0089711 L-glutamate transmembrane transport(GO:0089711)
0.7 2.1 GO:1903279 regulation of calcium:sodium antiporter activity(GO:1903279)
0.7 5.5 GO:0070253 somatostatin secretion(GO:0070253)
0.7 2.0 GO:0090135 actin filament branching(GO:0090135)
0.7 4.7 GO:0006108 malate metabolic process(GO:0006108)
0.7 2.0 GO:0030070 insulin processing(GO:0030070)
0.7 2.7 GO:2000271 positive regulation of fibroblast apoptotic process(GO:2000271)
0.7 5.3 GO:0002318 myeloid progenitor cell differentiation(GO:0002318)
0.7 2.7 GO:0051725 protein de-ADP-ribosylation(GO:0051725)
0.7 2.7 GO:0006432 phenylalanyl-tRNA aminoacylation(GO:0006432)
0.7 2.6 GO:0051461 positive regulation of corticotropin secretion(GO:0051461)
0.7 2.6 GO:0034047 regulation of protein phosphatase type 2A activity(GO:0034047)
0.6 1.9 GO:0097195 pilomotor reflex(GO:0097195)
0.6 1.9 GO:0015888 thiamine transport(GO:0015888)
0.6 1.9 GO:0075509 receptor-mediated endocytosis of virus by host cell(GO:0019065) endocytosis involved in viral entry into host cell(GO:0075509)
0.6 5.1 GO:0048387 negative regulation of retinoic acid receptor signaling pathway(GO:0048387)
0.6 3.2 GO:0050861 positive regulation of B cell receptor signaling pathway(GO:0050861)
0.6 1.3 GO:0014042 positive regulation of neuron maturation(GO:0014042)
0.6 6.3 GO:0031987 locomotion involved in locomotory behavior(GO:0031987)
0.6 1.9 GO:0007196 adenylate cyclase-inhibiting G-protein coupled glutamate receptor signaling pathway(GO:0007196)
0.6 3.1 GO:0090037 positive regulation of protein kinase C signaling(GO:0090037)
0.6 2.5 GO:0061743 motor learning(GO:0061743)
0.6 1.2 GO:0071877 regulation of adrenergic receptor signaling pathway(GO:0071877)
0.6 1.2 GO:0010728 regulation of hydrogen peroxide biosynthetic process(GO:0010728)
0.6 0.6 GO:0097466 glycoprotein ERAD pathway(GO:0097466) response to glycoprotein(GO:1904587)
0.6 1.8 GO:2000686 regulation of rubidium ion transmembrane transporter activity(GO:2000686)
0.6 1.2 GO:0060741 prostate gland stromal morphogenesis(GO:0060741)
0.6 1.2 GO:0042322 negative regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, REM sleep(GO:0042322)
0.6 1.8 GO:0001927 exocyst assembly(GO:0001927)
0.6 1.8 GO:0035582 sequestering of BMP in extracellular matrix(GO:0035582)
0.6 1.2 GO:0021912 regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter involved in spinal cord motor neuron fate specification(GO:0021912)
0.6 4.7 GO:0046146 tetrahydrobiopterin metabolic process(GO:0046146)
0.6 4.6 GO:0086036 regulation of cardiac muscle cell membrane potential(GO:0086036)
0.6 2.9 GO:0019532 oxalate transport(GO:0019532)
0.6 2.3 GO:0022038 corpus callosum development(GO:0022038)
0.6 7.5 GO:0042670 retinal cone cell differentiation(GO:0042670) retinal cone cell development(GO:0046549)
0.6 2.9 GO:0035331 negative regulation of hippo signaling(GO:0035331)
0.6 11.3 GO:0007214 gamma-aminobutyric acid signaling pathway(GO:0007214)
0.6 3.4 GO:0060124 positive regulation of growth hormone secretion(GO:0060124)
0.6 1.1 GO:0014029 neural crest formation(GO:0014029)
0.6 1.7 GO:0048861 leukemia inhibitory factor signaling pathway(GO:0048861)
0.6 7.3 GO:0016082 synaptic vesicle priming(GO:0016082)
0.6 5.0 GO:0097120 receptor localization to synapse(GO:0097120)
0.6 0.6 GO:0006524 alanine catabolic process(GO:0006524) pyruvate family amino acid catabolic process(GO:0009080)
0.6 1.1 GO:0031296 B cell costimulation(GO:0031296)
0.6 1.1 GO:0033693 neurofilament bundle assembly(GO:0033693)
0.6 0.6 GO:1900020 regulation of protein kinase C activity(GO:1900019) positive regulation of protein kinase C activity(GO:1900020)
0.5 3.8 GO:0002091 negative regulation of receptor internalization(GO:0002091)
0.5 1.1 GO:0048023 positive regulation of melanin biosynthetic process(GO:0048023) positive regulation of secondary metabolite biosynthetic process(GO:1900378)
0.5 1.1 GO:0090427 activation of meiosis(GO:0090427)
0.5 3.2 GO:0060581 ventral spinal cord interneuron specification(GO:0021521) cell fate specification involved in pattern specification(GO:0060573) ventral spinal cord interneuron fate commitment(GO:0060579) cell fate commitment involved in pattern specification(GO:0060581)
0.5 40.8 GO:0007156 homophilic cell adhesion via plasma membrane adhesion molecules(GO:0007156)
0.5 4.8 GO:0035745 T-helper 2 cell cytokine production(GO:0035745)
0.5 0.5 GO:0021524 visceral motor neuron differentiation(GO:0021524)
0.5 5.8 GO:2000311 regulation of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate selective glutamate receptor activity(GO:2000311)
0.5 7.9 GO:2001222 regulation of neuron migration(GO:2001222)
0.5 1.0 GO:0003357 noradrenergic neuron differentiation(GO:0003357)
0.5 1.0 GO:0007638 mechanosensory behavior(GO:0007638)
0.5 0.5 GO:1902996 neurofibrillary tangle assembly(GO:1902988) regulation of neurofibrillary tangle assembly(GO:1902996)
0.5 1.5 GO:1900748 positive regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor signaling pathway(GO:1900748)
0.5 1.0 GO:0010982 regulation of high-density lipoprotein particle clearance(GO:0010982)
0.5 5.5 GO:0003407 neural retina development(GO:0003407)
0.5 2.0 GO:0034773 histone H4-K20 trimethylation(GO:0034773)
0.5 8.3 GO:0060997 dendritic spine morphogenesis(GO:0060997)
0.5 1.0 GO:2000664 positive regulation of interleukin-5 secretion(GO:2000664) positive regulation of interleukin-13 secretion(GO:2000667)
0.5 4.2 GO:0097094 craniofacial suture morphogenesis(GO:0097094)
0.5 1.9 GO:0070126 mitochondrial translational termination(GO:0070126)
0.5 1.9 GO:0035912 dorsal aorta development(GO:0035907) dorsal aorta morphogenesis(GO:0035912)
0.5 2.8 GO:0070072 vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex assembly(GO:0070072)
0.5 1.8 GO:0090148 membrane fission(GO:0090148)
0.5 1.4 GO:1903999 negative regulation of eating behavior(GO:1903999)
0.5 5.1 GO:0048172 regulation of short-term neuronal synaptic plasticity(GO:0048172)
0.5 0.5 GO:2001027 negative regulation of endothelial cell chemotaxis(GO:2001027)
0.5 0.5 GO:0014707 branchiomeric skeletal muscle development(GO:0014707)
0.5 0.9 GO:0010963 regulation of L-arginine import(GO:0010963)
0.5 0.5 GO:0090258 negative regulation of mitochondrial fission(GO:0090258)
0.5 1.4 GO:0046077 dUDP biosynthetic process(GO:0006227) pyrimidine nucleoside diphosphate biosynthetic process(GO:0009139) pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate metabolic process(GO:0009196) pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate biosynthetic process(GO:0009197) dUDP metabolic process(GO:0046077)
0.4 1.3 GO:2000617 positive regulation of histone H3-K9 acetylation(GO:2000617)
0.4 2.7 GO:0060134 prepulse inhibition(GO:0060134)
0.4 0.9 GO:0046951 ketone body biosynthetic process(GO:0046951)
0.4 1.3 GO:0070649 formin-nucleated actin cable assembly(GO:0070649)
0.4 1.8 GO:0018343 protein farnesylation(GO:0018343)
0.4 2.6 GO:1900113 negative regulation of histone H3-K9 trimethylation(GO:1900113)
0.4 1.8 GO:0035701 hematopoietic stem cell migration(GO:0035701)
0.4 1.3 GO:0072201 negative regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation(GO:0072201)
0.4 1.7 GO:0034239 regulation of macrophage fusion(GO:0034239)
0.4 1.3 GO:0003406 retinal pigment epithelium development(GO:0003406)
0.4 1.3 GO:0033603 positive regulation of dopamine secretion(GO:0033603)
0.4 1.7 GO:0048631 regulation of skeletal muscle tissue growth(GO:0048631)
0.4 3.8 GO:0090520 sphingolipid mediated signaling pathway(GO:0090520)
0.4 1.2 GO:0033564 anterior/posterior axon guidance(GO:0033564)
0.4 2.9 GO:0051968 positive regulation of synaptic transmission, glutamatergic(GO:0051968)
0.4 0.8 GO:0001998 angiotensin mediated vasoconstriction involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure(GO:0001998)
0.4 1.2 GO:0010956 negative regulation of calcidiol 1-monooxygenase activity(GO:0010956)
0.4 0.4 GO:0097090 presynaptic membrane organization(GO:0097090)
0.4 0.8 GO:0018197 peptidyl-aspartic acid modification(GO:0018197)
0.4 2.0 GO:1900028 negative regulation of ruffle assembly(GO:1900028)
0.4 1.2 GO:0002331 pre-B cell allelic exclusion(GO:0002331)
0.4 0.4 GO:0060060 post-embryonic retina morphogenesis in camera-type eye(GO:0060060)
0.4 1.2 GO:0060666 dichotomous subdivision of terminal units involved in salivary gland branching(GO:0060666)
0.4 3.9 GO:0010839 negative regulation of keratinocyte proliferation(GO:0010839)
0.4 1.6 GO:0006642 triglyceride mobilization(GO:0006642)
0.4 0.8 GO:0060971 embryonic heart tube left/right pattern formation(GO:0060971)
0.4 17.8 GO:0051965 positive regulation of synapse assembly(GO:0051965)
0.4 4.2 GO:0009083 branched-chain amino acid catabolic process(GO:0009083)
0.4 1.5 GO:0010637 negative regulation of mitochondrial fusion(GO:0010637)
0.4 1.5 GO:1902410 mitotic cytokinetic process(GO:1902410)
0.4 1.5 GO:0046654 tetrahydrofolate biosynthetic process(GO:0046654)
0.4 2.2 GO:1901077 regulation of relaxation of muscle(GO:1901077)
0.4 1.1 GO:0034983 peptidyl-lysine deacetylation(GO:0034983)
0.4 1.5 GO:0045199 maintenance of epithelial cell apical/basal polarity(GO:0045199)
0.4 1.1 GO:0034093 positive regulation of maintenance of sister chromatid cohesion(GO:0034093) positive regulation of maintenance of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion(GO:0034184)
0.4 2.2 GO:0099515 actin filament-based transport(GO:0099515)
0.4 1.5 GO:0002087 regulation of respiratory gaseous exchange by neurological system process(GO:0002087)
0.4 7.6 GO:0006376 mRNA splice site selection(GO:0006376)
0.4 1.1 GO:0045196 establishment or maintenance of neuroblast polarity(GO:0045196) establishment of neuroblast polarity(GO:0045200)
0.4 1.1 GO:2000659 regulation of interleukin-1-mediated signaling pathway(GO:2000659)
0.4 1.8 GO:0030174 regulation of DNA-dependent DNA replication initiation(GO:0030174)
0.4 0.4 GO:0048069 eye pigmentation(GO:0048069)
0.4 0.7 GO:0051036 regulation of endosome size(GO:0051036)
0.4 1.1 GO:0048630 skeletal muscle tissue growth(GO:0048630)
0.4 1.8 GO:0038031 non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway via JNK cascade(GO:0038031)
0.4 1.1 GO:1904479 negative regulation of intestinal absorption(GO:1904479)
0.3 1.4 GO:0070365 hepatocyte differentiation(GO:0070365)
0.3 3.1 GO:0001964 startle response(GO:0001964)
0.3 1.0 GO:0060468 prevention of polyspermy(GO:0060468)
0.3 4.4 GO:0030318 melanocyte differentiation(GO:0030318)
0.3 0.3 GO:0052405 negative regulation by host of symbiont molecular function(GO:0052405) modification by host of symbiont molecular function(GO:0052428)
0.3 2.0 GO:0060831 smoothened signaling pathway involved in dorsal/ventral neural tube patterning(GO:0060831)
0.3 1.3 GO:0097343 ripoptosome assembly(GO:0097343) ripoptosome assembly involved in necroptotic process(GO:1901026)
0.3 0.7 GO:0002322 B cell proliferation involved in immune response(GO:0002322)
0.3 1.0 GO:0019482 beta-alanine metabolic process(GO:0019482)
0.3 1.7 GO:0001504 neurotransmitter uptake(GO:0001504)
0.3 1.0 GO:0072092 ureteric bud invasion(GO:0072092)
0.3 1.3 GO:0070427 nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 1 signaling pathway(GO:0070427)
0.3 0.7 GO:0042723 thiamine metabolic process(GO:0006772) thiamine-containing compound metabolic process(GO:0042723)
0.3 1.6 GO:0071670 smooth muscle cell chemotaxis(GO:0071670)
0.3 0.7 GO:0014732 skeletal muscle atrophy(GO:0014732)
0.3 2.0 GO:0097062 dendritic spine maintenance(GO:0097062)
0.3 2.3 GO:2000009 negative regulation of protein localization to cell surface(GO:2000009)
0.3 0.3 GO:0071374 cellular response to parathyroid hormone stimulus(GO:0071374)
0.3 0.6 GO:0070100 negative regulation of chemokine-mediated signaling pathway(GO:0070100)
0.3 0.3 GO:0051458 corticotropin secretion(GO:0051458) regulation of corticotropin secretion(GO:0051459)
0.3 0.3 GO:0035983 response to trichostatin A(GO:0035983) cellular response to trichostatin A(GO:0035984)
0.3 1.6 GO:0035542 regulation of SNARE complex assembly(GO:0035542)
0.3 0.6 GO:2000048 negative regulation of cell-cell adhesion mediated by cadherin(GO:2000048)
0.3 3.2 GO:0009312 oligosaccharide biosynthetic process(GO:0009312)
0.3 0.9 GO:0071883 activation of MAPK activity by adrenergic receptor signaling pathway(GO:0071883)
0.3 0.9 GO:0009233 menaquinone metabolic process(GO:0009233)
0.3 0.6 GO:1905005 regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition involved in endocardial cushion formation(GO:1905005)
0.3 0.6 GO:0060024 rhythmic synaptic transmission(GO:0060024)
0.3 0.6 GO:0007195 adenylate cyclase-inhibiting dopamine receptor signaling pathway(GO:0007195)
0.3 1.2 GO:0003433 chondrocyte development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis(GO:0003433)
0.3 0.9 GO:0030432 peristalsis(GO:0030432)
0.3 0.9 GO:0036092 phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate biosynthetic process(GO:0036092)
0.3 0.6 GO:0014724 regulation of twitch skeletal muscle contraction(GO:0014724)
0.3 0.9 GO:0042661 regulation of mesodermal cell fate specification(GO:0042661)
0.3 0.6 GO:0034091 regulation of maintenance of sister chromatid cohesion(GO:0034091) regulation of maintenance of mitotic sister chromatid cohesion(GO:0034182)
0.3 0.9 GO:0002568 somatic diversification of T cell receptor genes(GO:0002568) somatic recombination of T cell receptor gene segments(GO:0002681) T cell receptor V(D)J recombination(GO:0033153)
0.3 1.2 GO:0019276 UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine metabolic process(GO:0019276)
0.3 0.9 GO:1903336 negative regulation of vacuolar transport(GO:1903336)
0.3 1.2 GO:0048755 branching morphogenesis of a nerve(GO:0048755)
0.3 0.9 GO:0071675 regulation of mononuclear cell migration(GO:0071675)
0.3 0.6 GO:0060662 tube lumen cavitation(GO:0060605) salivary gland cavitation(GO:0060662)
0.3 1.4 GO:0007406 negative regulation of neuroblast proliferation(GO:0007406)
0.3 0.6 GO:0043490 malate-aspartate shuttle(GO:0043490)
0.3 0.6 GO:0033860 regulation of NAD(P)H oxidase activity(GO:0033860)
0.3 6.9 GO:0051931 regulation of sensory perception of pain(GO:0051930) regulation of sensory perception(GO:0051931)
0.3 0.5 GO:0060054 positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in wound healing(GO:0060054)
0.3 0.8 GO:1900452 regulation of long term synaptic depression(GO:1900452)
0.3 4.3 GO:0008053 mitochondrial fusion(GO:0008053)
0.3 1.1 GO:0045900 negative regulation of translational elongation(GO:0045900)
0.3 1.9 GO:0031643 positive regulation of myelination(GO:0031643)
0.3 4.3 GO:0045022 early endosome to late endosome transport(GO:0045022)
0.3 2.4 GO:0071435 potassium ion export(GO:0071435)
0.3 0.3 GO:0061209 cell proliferation involved in mesonephros development(GO:0061209)
0.3 0.3 GO:1901492 positive regulation of lymphangiogenesis(GO:1901492)
0.3 3.9 GO:0008045 motor neuron axon guidance(GO:0008045)
0.3 0.5 GO:0014826 vein smooth muscle contraction(GO:0014826)
0.3 1.5 GO:0035641 locomotory exploration behavior(GO:0035641)
0.3 0.8 GO:0019805 quinolinate biosynthetic process(GO:0019805)
0.3 0.5 GO:0072173 metanephric tubule morphogenesis(GO:0072173)
0.3 1.0 GO:0006627 protein processing involved in protein targeting to mitochondrion(GO:0006627) mitochondrial protein processing(GO:0034982)
0.3 0.5 GO:0071873 response to norepinephrine(GO:0071873)
0.2 0.7 GO:1902570 protein localization to nucleolus(GO:1902570) regulation of protein localization to nucleolus(GO:1904749) positive regulation of protein localization to nucleolus(GO:1904751)
0.2 1.7 GO:0090036 regulation of protein kinase C signaling(GO:0090036)
0.2 2.0 GO:1904871 protein localization to nuclear body(GO:1903405) protein localization to Cajal body(GO:1904867) regulation of protein localization to Cajal body(GO:1904869) positive regulation of protein localization to Cajal body(GO:1904871) protein localization to nucleoplasm(GO:1990173)
0.2 1.5 GO:0001780 neutrophil homeostasis(GO:0001780)
0.2 2.0 GO:0050908 detection of light stimulus involved in visual perception(GO:0050908) detection of light stimulus involved in sensory perception(GO:0050962)
0.2 2.4 GO:0017121 phospholipid scrambling(GO:0017121)
0.2 0.2 GO:0070571 negative regulation of neuron projection regeneration(GO:0070571)
0.2 0.2 GO:0010749 regulation of nitric oxide mediated signal transduction(GO:0010749)
0.2 1.9 GO:0006490 oligosaccharide-lipid intermediate biosynthetic process(GO:0006490)
0.2 1.2 GO:0060907 positive regulation of macrophage cytokine production(GO:0060907)
0.2 0.2 GO:0034238 macrophage fusion(GO:0034238)
0.2 1.7 GO:0006450 regulation of translational fidelity(GO:0006450)
0.2 2.1 GO:0090161 Golgi ribbon formation(GO:0090161)
0.2 1.8 GO:0034650 cortisol metabolic process(GO:0034650)
0.2 0.7 GO:0051665 membrane raft localization(GO:0051665)
0.2 0.7 GO:0071596 ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process via the N-end rule pathway(GO:0071596)
0.2 0.7 GO:1904378 maintenance of unfolded protein(GO:0036506) maintenance of unfolded protein involved in ERAD pathway(GO:1904378)
0.2 0.4 GO:0043152 induction of bacterial agglutination(GO:0043152)
0.2 1.6 GO:0042989 sequestering of actin monomers(GO:0042989)
0.2 0.7 GO:0006177 GMP biosynthetic process(GO:0006177)
0.2 1.1 GO:0061051 positive regulation of cell growth involved in cardiac muscle cell development(GO:0061051)
0.2 1.3 GO:0009226 nucleotide-sugar biosynthetic process(GO:0009226)
0.2 0.2 GO:0021586 pons maturation(GO:0021586)
0.2 0.6 GO:0000160 phosphorelay signal transduction system(GO:0000160)
0.2 0.4 GO:0086103 G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway involved in heart process(GO:0086103)
0.2 0.6 GO:0002930 trabecular meshwork development(GO:0002930)
0.2 0.4 GO:1900041 negative regulation of interleukin-2 secretion(GO:1900041)
0.2 0.8 GO:0018202 peptidyl-histidine modification(GO:0018202)
0.2 2.8 GO:0045879 negative regulation of smoothened signaling pathway(GO:0045879)
0.2 0.6 GO:0002669 positive regulation of T cell anergy(GO:0002669) positive regulation of lymphocyte anergy(GO:0002913)
0.2 0.6 GO:0070164 negative regulation of adiponectin secretion(GO:0070164)
0.2 2.1 GO:2000400 positive regulation of T cell differentiation in thymus(GO:0033089) positive regulation of thymocyte aggregation(GO:2000400)
0.2 0.6 GO:0043615 astrocyte cell migration(GO:0043615)
0.2 0.4 GO:1902071 regulation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha signaling pathway(GO:1902071)
0.2 1.4 GO:0060732 positive regulation of inositol phosphate biosynthetic process(GO:0060732)
0.2 1.0 GO:0018230 peptidyl-L-cysteine S-palmitoylation(GO:0018230) peptidyl-S-diacylglycerol-L-cysteine biosynthetic process from peptidyl-cysteine(GO:0018231)
0.2 0.4 GO:0070431 nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing signaling pathway(GO:0070423) nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 2 signaling pathway(GO:0070431)
0.2 3.8 GO:0006270 DNA replication initiation(GO:0006270)
0.2 2.4 GO:0060576 intestinal epithelial cell development(GO:0060576)
0.2 3.6 GO:0001754 eye photoreceptor cell differentiation(GO:0001754) eye photoreceptor cell development(GO:0042462)
0.2 0.6 GO:0051025 negative regulation of immunoglobulin secretion(GO:0051025)
0.2 0.6 GO:0021854 hypothalamus development(GO:0021854)
0.2 0.2 GO:0021877 forebrain neuron fate commitment(GO:0021877)
0.2 1.4 GO:0050966 detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception of pain(GO:0050966)
0.2 0.4 GO:0071205 protein localization to juxtaparanode region of axon(GO:0071205)
0.2 1.4 GO:1902260 negative regulation of delayed rectifier potassium channel activity(GO:1902260) negative regulation of voltage-gated potassium channel activity(GO:1903817)
0.2 2.5 GO:0034587 piRNA metabolic process(GO:0034587)
0.2 0.6 GO:0090080 positive regulation of MAPKKK cascade by fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway(GO:0090080)
0.2 0.8 GO:0006348 chromatin silencing at telomere(GO:0006348)
0.2 0.4 GO:0038108 negative regulation of appetite by leptin-mediated signaling pathway(GO:0038108)
0.2 0.9 GO:0016255 attachment of GPI anchor to protein(GO:0016255)
0.2 0.2 GO:0046098 guanine metabolic process(GO:0046098)
0.2 1.3 GO:0000055 ribosomal large subunit export from nucleus(GO:0000055)
0.2 0.9 GO:0098787 mRNA cleavage involved in mRNA processing(GO:0098787) pre-mRNA cleavage required for polyadenylation(GO:0098789)
0.2 0.2 GO:0070070 proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex assembly(GO:0070070)
0.2 0.6 GO:0032304 negative regulation of icosanoid secretion(GO:0032304)
0.2 0.2 GO:0014722 regulation of skeletal muscle contraction by calcium ion signaling(GO:0014722)
0.2 0.7 GO:0071225 cellular response to muramyl dipeptide(GO:0071225)
0.2 0.7 GO:0071763 nuclear membrane organization(GO:0071763)
0.2 0.5 GO:0090343 positive regulation of cell aging(GO:0090343)
0.2 2.0 GO:0051127 positive regulation of actin nucleation(GO:0051127)
0.2 0.9 GO:0001302 replicative cell aging(GO:0001302)
0.2 0.2 GO:0006543 glutamine catabolic process(GO:0006543)
0.2 0.2 GO:0046083 adenine metabolic process(GO:0046083) adenine biosynthetic process(GO:0046084)
0.2 0.3 GO:0097119 postsynaptic density protein 95 clustering(GO:0097119)
0.2 0.2 GO:0060278 regulation of ovulation(GO:0060278)
0.2 1.0 GO:0032957 inositol trisphosphate metabolic process(GO:0032957)
0.2 0.2 GO:1901859 negative regulation of mitochondrial DNA metabolic process(GO:1901859)
0.2 0.9 GO:0048496 maintenance of organ identity(GO:0048496)
0.2 0.5 GO:0039530 MDA-5 signaling pathway(GO:0039530)
0.2 0.7 GO:0061000 negative regulation of dendritic spine development(GO:0061000)
0.2 0.5 GO:0003348 cardiac endothelial cell differentiation(GO:0003348)
0.2 1.4 GO:0019800 peptide cross-linking via chondroitin 4-sulfate glycosaminoglycan(GO:0019800)
0.2 1.0 GO:0048672 positive regulation of collateral sprouting(GO:0048672)
0.2 1.4 GO:0046697 decidualization(GO:0046697)
0.2 1.2 GO:2000254 regulation of male germ cell proliferation(GO:2000254)
0.2 0.5 GO:1904263 positive regulation of TORC1 signaling(GO:1904263)
0.2 1.2 GO:0002329 pre-B cell differentiation(GO:0002329)
0.2 0.7 GO:0030578 PML body organization(GO:0030578)
0.2 0.7 GO:0045650 negative regulation of macrophage differentiation(GO:0045650)
0.2 0.5 GO:0007525 somatic muscle development(GO:0007525)
0.2 0.5 GO:1904694 negative regulation of vascular smooth muscle contraction(GO:1904694)
0.2 0.5 GO:0006269 DNA replication, synthesis of RNA primer(GO:0006269)
0.2 1.1 GO:1990118 sodium ion import(GO:0097369) sodium ion import across plasma membrane(GO:0098719) sodium ion import into cell(GO:1990118)
0.2 0.5 GO:0060339 negative regulation of type I interferon-mediated signaling pathway(GO:0060339)
0.2 0.3 GO:0043576 regulation of respiratory gaseous exchange(GO:0043576)
0.2 0.2 GO:1903261 regulation of serine phosphorylation of STAT3 protein(GO:1903261)
0.2 1.1 GO:0014820 tonic smooth muscle contraction(GO:0014820)
0.2 6.5 GO:0007040 lysosome organization(GO:0007040) lytic vacuole organization(GO:0080171)
0.2 0.9 GO:0060267 positive regulation of respiratory burst(GO:0060267)
0.2 0.5 GO:0007089 traversing start control point of mitotic cell cycle(GO:0007089)
0.2 0.9 GO:2000672 negative regulation of motor neuron apoptotic process(GO:2000672)
0.2 0.3 GO:1902809 regulation of skeletal muscle fiber differentiation(GO:1902809)
0.1 0.3 GO:0045472 response to ether(GO:0045472)
0.1 0.4 GO:2000118 regulation of sodium-dependent phosphate transport(GO:2000118)
0.1 1.0 GO:0033683 nucleotide-excision repair, DNA incision(GO:0033683)
0.1 0.3 GO:0035405 histone-threonine phosphorylation(GO:0035405)
0.1 0.3 GO:0010835 regulation of protein ADP-ribosylation(GO:0010835)
0.1 0.3 GO:0015755 fructose transport(GO:0015755)
0.1 0.6 GO:0031915 positive regulation of synaptic plasticity(GO:0031915)
0.1 0.6 GO:0006517 protein deglycosylation(GO:0006517)
0.1 0.4 GO:0071492 cellular response to UV-A(GO:0071492)
0.1 0.3 GO:2000409 positive regulation of T cell extravasation(GO:2000409)
0.1 0.1 GO:1904714 regulation of chaperone-mediated autophagy(GO:1904714)
0.1 1.6 GO:0002093 auditory receptor cell morphogenesis(GO:0002093)
0.1 0.3 GO:2000508 regulation of dendritic cell chemotaxis(GO:2000508)
0.1 0.4 GO:0006553 lysine metabolic process(GO:0006553)
0.1 0.4 GO:0006538 glutamate catabolic process(GO:0006538)
0.1 0.3 GO:2001274 negative regulation of glucose import in response to insulin stimulus(GO:2001274)
0.1 0.4 GO:0006046 N-acetylglucosamine catabolic process(GO:0006046)
0.1 0.3 GO:0002074 extraocular skeletal muscle development(GO:0002074)
0.1 1.0 GO:0030643 cellular phosphate ion homeostasis(GO:0030643) cellular trivalent inorganic anion homeostasis(GO:0072502)
0.1 3.7 GO:0031424 keratinization(GO:0031424)
0.1 0.1 GO:0043366 beta selection(GO:0043366)
0.1 0.3 GO:0072318 clathrin coat disassembly(GO:0072318)
0.1 0.1 GO:0010996 response to auditory stimulus(GO:0010996)
0.1 0.4 GO:1903054 negative regulation of extracellular matrix organization(GO:1903054)
0.1 2.9 GO:0048873 homeostasis of number of cells within a tissue(GO:0048873)
0.1 0.1 GO:0009826 unidimensional cell growth(GO:0009826)
0.1 3.6 GO:0043252 sodium-independent organic anion transport(GO:0043252)
0.1 0.1 GO:0070460 thyroid-stimulating hormone secretion(GO:0070460)
0.1 0.3 GO:1903587 regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell proliferation involved in sprouting angiogenesis(GO:1903587)
0.1 0.6 GO:0046110 xanthine catabolic process(GO:0009115) xanthine metabolic process(GO:0046110)
0.1 0.4 GO:0019249 lactate biosynthetic process from pyruvate(GO:0019244) lactate biosynthetic process(GO:0019249)
0.1 2.0 GO:0006359 regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase III promoter(GO:0006359)
0.1 0.5 GO:0010825 positive regulation of centrosome duplication(GO:0010825)
0.1 0.3 GO:0051582 positive regulation of neurotransmitter uptake(GO:0051582) positive regulation of dopamine uptake involved in synaptic transmission(GO:0051586) positive regulation of catecholamine uptake involved in synaptic transmission(GO:0051944)
0.1 0.4 GO:0090244 Wnt signaling pathway involved in somitogenesis(GO:0090244)
0.1 0.1 GO:0032661 regulation of interleukin-18 production(GO:0032661)
0.1 1.0 GO:0042448 progesterone metabolic process(GO:0042448)
0.1 0.5 GO:0071034 CUT catabolic process(GO:0071034) CUT metabolic process(GO:0071043)
0.1 0.8 GO:0035721 intraciliary retrograde transport(GO:0035721)
0.1 0.8 GO:0018026 peptidyl-lysine monomethylation(GO:0018026)
0.1 0.1 GO:2000275 regulation of oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler activity(GO:2000275)
0.1 0.1 GO:1903795 regulation of inorganic anion transmembrane transport(GO:1903795)
0.1 0.2 GO:0009202 deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process(GO:0009202)
0.1 0.1 GO:1904833 regulation of superoxide dismutase activity(GO:1901668) positive regulation of superoxide dismutase activity(GO:1901671) positive regulation of removal of superoxide radicals(GO:1904833)
0.1 0.2 GO:0000350 generation of catalytic spliceosome for second transesterification step(GO:0000350)
0.1 0.4 GO:0043313 regulation of neutrophil degranulation(GO:0043313)
0.1 1.0 GO:0035428 hexose transmembrane transport(GO:0035428)
0.1 0.3 GO:0030167 proteoglycan catabolic process(GO:0030167)
0.1 0.3 GO:0043653 mitochondrial fragmentation involved in apoptotic process(GO:0043653)
0.1 0.3 GO:1902915 negative regulation of protein K63-linked ubiquitination(GO:1900045) negative regulation of protein polyubiquitination(GO:1902915)
0.1 0.9 GO:0045779 negative regulation of bone resorption(GO:0045779)
0.1 0.3 GO:0051791 medium-chain fatty acid metabolic process(GO:0051791)
0.1 0.4 GO:0032876 negative regulation of DNA endoreduplication(GO:0032876)
0.1 0.1 GO:0006971 hypotonic response(GO:0006971)
0.1 0.7 GO:1900273 positive regulation of long-term synaptic potentiation(GO:1900273)
0.1 0.2 GO:0070340 detection of bacterial lipopeptide(GO:0070340)
0.1 0.3 GO:0033387 putrescine biosynthetic process from ornithine(GO:0033387)
0.1 1.1 GO:0060046 regulation of acrosome reaction(GO:0060046)
0.1 1.3 GO:0016973 poly(A)+ mRNA export from nucleus(GO:0016973)
0.1 0.2 GO:0048294 negative regulation of isotype switching to IgE isotypes(GO:0048294)
0.1 0.1 GO:0006533 aspartate catabolic process(GO:0006533)
0.1 1.2 GO:0003016 respiratory system process(GO:0003016)
0.1 0.4 GO:0072540 T-helper 17 cell lineage commitment(GO:0072540)
0.1 0.8 GO:0006610 ribosomal protein import into nucleus(GO:0006610)
0.1 0.2 GO:0035021 negative regulation of Rac protein signal transduction(GO:0035021)
0.1 0.2 GO:1903265 positive regulation of tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling pathway(GO:1903265)
0.1 1.0 GO:0009404 toxin metabolic process(GO:0009404)
0.1 0.3 GO:0034085 establishment of sister chromatid cohesion(GO:0034085) cohesin loading(GO:0071921) regulation of cohesin loading(GO:0071922)
0.1 0.1 GO:1902065 response to L-glutamate(GO:1902065)
0.1 0.2 GO:0032058 positive regulation of translational initiation in response to stress(GO:0032058)
0.1 0.5 GO:0071420 cellular response to histamine(GO:0071420)
0.1 0.2 GO:2000574 regulation of microtubule motor activity(GO:2000574)
0.1 0.2 GO:0006975 DNA damage induced protein phosphorylation(GO:0006975)
0.1 1.0 GO:0016486 peptide hormone processing(GO:0016486)
0.1 0.1 GO:0060748 tertiary branching involved in mammary gland duct morphogenesis(GO:0060748)
0.1 0.3 GO:0035247 peptidyl-arginine methylation, to asymmetrical-dimethyl arginine(GO:0019919) peptidyl-arginine omega-N-methylation(GO:0035247)
0.1 0.8 GO:0070570 regulation of neuron projection regeneration(GO:0070570)
0.1 1.3 GO:0007616 long-term memory(GO:0007616)
0.1 0.2 GO:0090383 phagosome acidification(GO:0090383)
0.1 0.3 GO:0032512 regulation of protein phosphatase type 2B activity(GO:0032512)
0.1 0.6 GO:0035020 regulation of Rac protein signal transduction(GO:0035020)
0.1 0.1 GO:0010966 regulation of phosphate transport(GO:0010966)
0.1 0.2 GO:0050705 regulation of interleukin-1 alpha secretion(GO:0050705)
0.1 0.2 GO:0042505 tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat6 protein(GO:0042505) regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat6 protein(GO:0042525)
0.1 1.5 GO:0021954 central nervous system neuron development(GO:0021954)
0.1 0.3 GO:0002254 kinin cascade(GO:0002254)
0.1 0.2 GO:0002949 tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine modification(GO:0002949)
0.1 1.2 GO:0030497 fatty acid elongation(GO:0030497)
0.1 0.3 GO:0072530 purine nucleoside transmembrane transport(GO:0015860) purine-containing compound transmembrane transport(GO:0072530) nucleoside transmembrane transport(GO:1901642)
0.1 0.3 GO:0090209 negative regulation of triglyceride metabolic process(GO:0090209)
0.1 0.1 GO:0042699 follicle-stimulating hormone signaling pathway(GO:0042699)
0.1 0.3 GO:0045631 regulation of auditory receptor cell differentiation(GO:0045607) regulation of mechanoreceptor differentiation(GO:0045631) regulation of inner ear receptor cell differentiation(GO:2000980)
0.1 0.3 GO:2001206 positive regulation of osteoclast development(GO:2001206)
0.1 1.2 GO:0035855 megakaryocyte development(GO:0035855)
0.1 0.2 GO:0034134 toll-like receptor 2 signaling pathway(GO:0034134)
0.1 0.1 GO:0032762 mast cell cytokine production(GO:0032762) regulation of mast cell cytokine production(GO:0032763)
0.1 0.2 GO:0008065 establishment of blood-nerve barrier(GO:0008065)
0.1 0.4 GO:2000811 negative regulation of anoikis(GO:2000811)
0.1 0.1 GO:2001023 regulation of response to drug(GO:2001023)
0.1 0.4 GO:0010032 meiotic chromosome condensation(GO:0010032)
0.1 0.2 GO:0002726 positive regulation of T cell cytokine production(GO:0002726)
0.1 0.3 GO:0032570 response to progesterone(GO:0032570)
0.1 0.1 GO:0071692 protein localization to extracellular region(GO:0071692) maintenance of protein location in extracellular region(GO:0071694)
0.1 0.2 GO:0019464 glycine catabolic process(GO:0006546) glycine decarboxylation via glycine cleavage system(GO:0019464)
0.1 0.3 GO:0032048 cardiolipin metabolic process(GO:0032048)
0.1 3.0 GO:0032755 positive regulation of interleukin-6 production(GO:0032755)
0.1 0.7 GO:0045956 positive regulation of calcium ion-dependent exocytosis(GO:0045956)
0.1 0.1 GO:0035483 gastric emptying(GO:0035483)
0.1 0.1 GO:0014053 negative regulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid secretion(GO:0014053)
0.1 1.1 GO:0050650 chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process(GO:0050650)
0.1 0.1 GO:0035826 rubidium ion transport(GO:0035826)
0.1 0.3 GO:0033578 protein glycosylation in Golgi(GO:0033578)
0.1 0.3 GO:0002220 innate immune response activating cell surface receptor signaling pathway(GO:0002220)
0.1 0.9 GO:0048026 positive regulation of mRNA splicing, via spliceosome(GO:0048026)
0.1 0.1 GO:1900109 regulation of histone H3-K9 dimethylation(GO:1900109)
0.1 0.5 GO:0042759 long-chain fatty acid biosynthetic process(GO:0042759)
0.1 0.1 GO:0042891 antibiotic transport(GO:0042891)
0.1 0.2 GO:0030204 chondroitin sulfate metabolic process(GO:0030204)
0.1 0.2 GO:0006222 UMP biosynthetic process(GO:0006222) pyrimidine ribonucleoside monophosphate metabolic process(GO:0009173) pyrimidine ribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process(GO:0009174) UMP metabolic process(GO:0046049)
0.1 0.1 GO:1903334 positive regulation of protein folding(GO:1903334)
0.1 0.2 GO:0007171 activation of transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activity(GO:0007171)
0.1 0.5 GO:2000291 regulation of myoblast proliferation(GO:2000291)
0.1 0.4 GO:0006654 phosphatidic acid biosynthetic process(GO:0006654)
0.1 0.1 GO:0060467 negative regulation of fertilization(GO:0060467)
0.1 0.1 GO:0010579 regulation of adenylate cyclase activity involved in G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway(GO:0010578) positive regulation of adenylate cyclase activity involved in G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway(GO:0010579)
0.1 0.3 GO:0042078 germ-line stem cell division(GO:0042078) male germ-line stem cell asymmetric division(GO:0048133) germline stem cell asymmetric division(GO:0098728)
0.1 0.5 GO:2000269 regulation of fibroblast apoptotic process(GO:2000269)
0.1 0.2 GO:0035640 exploration behavior(GO:0035640)
0.1 0.1 GO:0034454 microtubule anchoring at centrosome(GO:0034454)
0.1 0.6 GO:0001963 synaptic transmission, dopaminergic(GO:0001963)
0.1 0.3 GO:0070525 tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine metabolic process(GO:0070525)
0.1 0.1 GO:0006655 phosphatidylglycerol biosynthetic process(GO:0006655) phosphatidylglycerol metabolic process(GO:0046471)
0.1 0.1 GO:0034146 toll-like receptor 5 signaling pathway(GO:0034146)
0.1 0.2 GO:0046469 platelet activating factor biosynthetic process(GO:0006663) platelet activating factor metabolic process(GO:0046469)
0.1 0.1 GO:0051654 establishment of mitochondrion localization(GO:0051654)
0.1 0.1 GO:1901529 positive regulation of anion channel activity(GO:1901529)
0.1 0.5 GO:0007213 G-protein coupled acetylcholine receptor signaling pathway(GO:0007213)
0.1 0.1 GO:0007161 calcium-independent cell-matrix adhesion(GO:0007161)
0.1 0.1 GO:0007158 neuron cell-cell adhesion(GO:0007158)
0.1 0.4 GO:0035563 positive regulation of chromatin binding(GO:0035563)
0.1 0.8 GO:0036465 synaptic vesicle recycling(GO:0036465)
0.1 0.1 GO:1901421 positive regulation of response to alcohol(GO:1901421)
0.1 0.1 GO:0071731 response to nitric oxide(GO:0071731)
0.1 1.2 GO:0006491 N-glycan processing(GO:0006491)
0.1 0.2 GO:1903333 regulation of protein folding(GO:1903332) negative regulation of protein folding(GO:1903333)
0.1 0.1 GO:0032278 positive regulation of gonadotropin secretion(GO:0032278) positive regulation of follicle-stimulating hormone secretion(GO:0046881)
0.1 0.2 GO:0000054 ribosomal subunit export from nucleus(GO:0000054) ribosome localization(GO:0033750) establishment of ribosome localization(GO:0033753)
0.1 0.3 GO:0006370 7-methylguanosine mRNA capping(GO:0006370)
0.1 0.2 GO:0014901 regulation of satellite cell activation involved in skeletal muscle regeneration(GO:0014717) satellite cell activation involved in skeletal muscle regeneration(GO:0014901)
0.1 0.1 GO:0002666 positive regulation of T cell tolerance induction(GO:0002666)
0.1 0.1 GO:2000484 positive regulation of interleukin-8 secretion(GO:2000484)
0.0 0.2 GO:0006297 nucleotide-excision repair, DNA gap filling(GO:0006297)
0.0 0.1 GO:0009448 gamma-aminobutyric acid metabolic process(GO:0009448)
0.0 0.0 GO:0061156 pulmonary artery morphogenesis(GO:0061156)
0.0 0.1 GO:0048550 negative regulation of pinocytosis(GO:0048550)
0.0 0.2 GO:0015780 nucleotide-sugar transport(GO:0015780) pyrimidine nucleotide-sugar transport(GO:0015781)
0.0 0.2 GO:0015808 L-alanine transport(GO:0015808)
0.0 0.0 GO:0003099 positive regulation of the force of heart contraction by epinephrine-norepinephrine(GO:0001997) positive regulation of the force of heart contraction by chemical signal(GO:0003099)
0.0 0.0 GO:2000619 regulation of histone H4-K16 acetylation(GO:2000618) negative regulation of histone H4-K16 acetylation(GO:2000619)
0.0 0.1 GO:0009597 detection of virus(GO:0009597)
0.0 0.2 GO:0019732 antifungal humoral response(GO:0019732)
0.0 0.4 GO:0018298 protein-chromophore linkage(GO:0018298)
0.0 0.1 GO:0014012 peripheral nervous system axon regeneration(GO:0014012)
0.0 0.3 GO:0019673 GDP-mannose metabolic process(GO:0019673)
0.0 1.1 GO:0006998 nuclear envelope organization(GO:0006998)
0.0 0.0 GO:1902744 negative regulation of lamellipodium organization(GO:1902744)
0.0 0.0 GO:0031133 regulation of axon diameter(GO:0031133)
0.0 0.1 GO:0003181 atrioventricular valve morphogenesis(GO:0003181)
0.0 0.0 GO:0021559 trigeminal nerve development(GO:0021559)
0.0 0.1 GO:0060398 regulation of growth hormone receptor signaling pathway(GO:0060398) positive regulation of growth hormone receptor signaling pathway(GO:0060399)
0.0 0.0 GO:0045726 positive regulation of integrin biosynthetic process(GO:0045726)
0.0 0.1 GO:0035469 determination of pancreatic left/right asymmetry(GO:0035469)
0.0 0.2 GO:1902166 negative regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage by p53 class mediator(GO:1902166)
0.0 0.0 GO:0070162 adiponectin secretion(GO:0070162) regulation of adiponectin secretion(GO:0070163)
0.0 0.1 GO:0060729 intestinal epithelial structure maintenance(GO:0060729)
0.0 0.2 GO:0017196 N-terminal peptidyl-methionine acetylation(GO:0017196)
0.0 0.2 GO:0046485 ether lipid metabolic process(GO:0046485)
0.0 0.2 GO:0031119 tRNA pseudouridine synthesis(GO:0031119)
0.0 0.0 GO:1901979 regulation of inward rectifier potassium channel activity(GO:1901979)
0.0 0.3 GO:0006072 glycerol-3-phosphate metabolic process(GO:0006072)
0.0 0.2 GO:0043383 negative T cell selection(GO:0043383)
0.0 0.0 GO:0035743 CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell cytokine production(GO:0035743)
0.0 0.1 GO:0021511 spinal cord patterning(GO:0021511)
0.0 0.1 GO:0006391 transcription initiation from mitochondrial promoter(GO:0006391)
0.0 0.2 GO:0006516 glycoprotein catabolic process(GO:0006516)
0.0 0.1 GO:0045113 regulation of integrin biosynthetic process(GO:0045113)
0.0 0.1 GO:0032914 positive regulation of transforming growth factor beta1 production(GO:0032914)
0.0 0.1 GO:0014835 myoblast differentiation involved in skeletal muscle regeneration(GO:0014835)
0.0 1.8 GO:0033138 positive regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation(GO:0033138)
0.0 0.1 GO:0008635 activation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process by cytochrome c(GO:0008635)
0.0 0.1 GO:0042796 snRNA transcription from RNA polymerase III promoter(GO:0042796)
0.0 0.0 GO:2001181 positive regulation of interleukin-10 secretion(GO:2001181)
0.0 0.0 GO:0030046 parallel actin filament bundle assembly(GO:0030046)
0.0 0.2 GO:0000712 resolution of meiotic recombination intermediates(GO:0000712)
0.0 0.1 GO:0070458 detoxification of nitrogen compound(GO:0051410) cellular detoxification of nitrogen compound(GO:0070458)
0.0 0.1 GO:0070375 ERK5 cascade(GO:0070375)
0.0 0.1 GO:0071397 cellular response to cholesterol(GO:0071397)
0.0 0.1 GO:0060023 soft palate development(GO:0060023)
0.0 0.2 GO:0007000 nucleolus organization(GO:0007000)
0.0 0.1 GO:0016078 tRNA catabolic process(GO:0016078)
0.0 0.1 GO:0019509 L-methionine biosynthetic process from methylthioadenosine(GO:0019509)
0.0 0.1 GO:0060316 positive regulation of ryanodine-sensitive calcium-release channel activity(GO:0060316)
0.0 0.1 GO:0010756 positive regulation of plasminogen activation(GO:0010756)
0.0 0.0 GO:0002019 regulation of renal output by angiotensin(GO:0002019)
0.0 0.0 GO:0097527 necroptotic signaling pathway(GO:0097527)
0.0 0.0 GO:0042473 outer ear morphogenesis(GO:0042473)
0.0 0.0 GO:0046607 positive regulation of centrosome cycle(GO:0046607)
0.0 0.3 GO:0048265 response to pain(GO:0048265)
0.0 0.0 GO:0002525 acute inflammatory response to non-antigenic stimulus(GO:0002525)
0.0 0.0 GO:0060018 astrocyte fate commitment(GO:0060018)
0.0 0.0 GO:1904154 positive regulation of retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol(GO:1904154)
0.0 0.0 GO:0048549 positive regulation of pinocytosis(GO:0048549)
0.0 0.0 GO:0060385 axonogenesis involved in innervation(GO:0060385)
0.0 0.0 GO:0051482 positive regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration involved in phospholipase C-activating G-protein coupled signaling pathway(GO:0051482)
0.0 0.1 GO:0042276 error-prone translesion synthesis(GO:0042276)
0.0 0.3 GO:0030574 collagen catabolic process(GO:0030574)
0.0 0.2 GO:0051532 regulation of NFAT protein import into nucleus(GO:0051532)
0.0 0.2 GO:0051457 maintenance of protein location in nucleus(GO:0051457)
0.0 0.0 GO:0050862 positive regulation of T cell receptor signaling pathway(GO:0050862)
0.0 0.0 GO:0043382 positive regulation of memory T cell differentiation(GO:0043382)
0.0 0.1 GO:0070257 positive regulation of mucus secretion(GO:0070257)
0.0 0.1 GO:0015867 ATP transport(GO:0015867)
0.0 0.3 GO:0014037 Schwann cell differentiation(GO:0014037)
0.0 0.0 GO:0032621 interleukin-18 production(GO:0032621)
0.0 0.2 GO:1904293 negative regulation of ERAD pathway(GO:1904293)
0.0 0.5 GO:0018149 peptide cross-linking(GO:0018149)
0.0 0.0 GO:0061470 T follicular helper cell differentiation(GO:0061470)
0.0 0.0 GO:0003310 pancreatic A cell differentiation(GO:0003310)
0.0 0.1 GO:0042256 mature ribosome assembly(GO:0042256)
0.0 0.1 GO:0033313 meiotic cell cycle checkpoint(GO:0033313)
0.0 0.0 GO:0070120 ciliary neurotrophic factor-mediated signaling pathway(GO:0070120)
0.0 0.6 GO:0050911 detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of smell(GO:0050911)
0.0 0.0 GO:0016095 polyprenol catabolic process(GO:0016095)
0.0 0.0 GO:0014050 negative regulation of glutamate secretion(GO:0014050)
0.0 0.0 GO:0086013 membrane repolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential(GO:0086013)
0.0 0.3 GO:1901379 regulation of potassium ion transmembrane transport(GO:1901379)
0.0 0.0 GO:1902630 regulation of membrane hyperpolarization(GO:1902630)
0.0 0.1 GO:0000270 peptidoglycan metabolic process(GO:0000270) peptidoglycan catabolic process(GO:0009253)
0.0 0.0 GO:0051182 coenzyme transport(GO:0051182)
0.0 0.0 GO:0098528 skeletal muscle fiber differentiation(GO:0098528)
0.0 0.0 GO:0019262 N-acetylneuraminate catabolic process(GO:0019262)
0.0 0.0 GO:0044333 Wnt signaling pathway involved in digestive tract morphogenesis(GO:0044333)
0.0 0.0 GO:0002051 osteoblast fate commitment(GO:0002051)

Gene overrepresentation in cellular component category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
3.9 11.7 GO:0014701 junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane(GO:0014701)
2.3 11.3 GO:0032983 kainate selective glutamate receptor complex(GO:0032983)
2.0 7.9 GO:0044300 cerebellar mossy fiber(GO:0044300)
1.9 18.9 GO:0044224 juxtaparanode region of axon(GO:0044224)
1.8 5.4 GO:0072534 perineuronal net(GO:0072534)
1.8 27.2 GO:0043196 varicosity(GO:0043196)
1.8 10.7 GO:0030285 integral component of synaptic vesicle membrane(GO:0030285) intrinsic component of synaptic vesicle membrane(GO:0098563)
1.6 47.5 GO:0048786 presynaptic active zone(GO:0048786)
1.6 8.0 GO:1990454 L-type voltage-gated calcium channel complex(GO:1990454)
1.4 5.6 GO:0033010 paranodal junction(GO:0033010)
1.2 33.3 GO:0044295 axonal growth cone(GO:0044295)
1.1 4.4 GO:0005947 mitochondrial alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex(GO:0005947)
1.0 3.0 GO:0031233 intrinsic component of external side of plasma membrane(GO:0031233)
1.0 11.8 GO:0032426 stereocilium tip(GO:0032426)
1.0 2.9 GO:1990812 growth cone filopodium(GO:1990812)
1.0 5.7 GO:0016012 sarcoglycan complex(GO:0016012)
1.0 25.7 GO:0032281 AMPA glutamate receptor complex(GO:0032281)
0.9 5.6 GO:0032584 growth cone membrane(GO:0032584)
0.9 3.7 GO:0019815 B cell receptor complex(GO:0019815)
0.9 0.9 GO:0035838 growing cell tip(GO:0035838)
0.9 0.9 GO:0097648 G-protein coupled receptor dimeric complex(GO:0038037) G-protein coupled receptor complex(GO:0097648)
0.9 1.7 GO:0097025 MPP7-DLG1-LIN7 complex(GO:0097025)
0.8 2.3 GO:0000015 phosphopyruvate hydratase complex(GO:0000015)
0.8 1.5 GO:0097441 basilar dendrite(GO:0097441)
0.8 6.1 GO:0042788 polysomal ribosome(GO:0042788)
0.8 9.2 GO:0043656 host cell cytoplasm(GO:0030430) host intracellular part(GO:0033646) host cell cytoplasm part(GO:0033655) intracellular region of host(GO:0043656)
0.7 8.8 GO:0017146 NMDA selective glutamate receptor complex(GO:0017146)
0.7 23.4 GO:0042734 presynaptic membrane(GO:0042734)
0.7 2.0 GO:0005658 alpha DNA polymerase:primase complex(GO:0005658)
0.6 6.4 GO:0001518 voltage-gated sodium channel complex(GO:0001518)
0.6 0.6 GO:0097418 neurofibrillary tangle(GO:0097418)
0.6 5.1 GO:0005890 sodium:potassium-exchanging ATPase complex(GO:0005890)
0.6 2.5 GO:0043083 synaptic cleft(GO:0043083)
0.6 2.3 GO:0033162 melanosome membrane(GO:0033162) chitosome(GO:0045009)
0.5 5.5 GO:0043194 axon initial segment(GO:0043194)
0.5 6.4 GO:0031045 dense core granule(GO:0031045)
0.5 2.1 GO:1990851 Wnt-Frizzled-LRP5/6 complex(GO:1990851)
0.5 4.1 GO:0035253 ciliary rootlet(GO:0035253)
0.5 31.4 GO:0031463 Cul3-RING ubiquitin ligase complex(GO:0031463)
0.5 2.0 GO:0044322 endoplasmic reticulum quality control compartment(GO:0044322)
0.5 1.5 GO:0002193 MAML1-RBP-Jkappa- ICN1 complex(GO:0002193)
0.5 2.4 GO:0005683 U7 snRNP(GO:0005683)
0.5 7.2 GO:0031527 filopodium membrane(GO:0031527)
0.5 1.4 GO:0032280 symmetric synapse(GO:0032280)
0.5 10.7 GO:0043198 dendritic shaft(GO:0043198)
0.5 5.0 GO:0030061 mitochondrial crista(GO:0030061)
0.5 4.1 GO:0036156 inner dynein arm(GO:0036156)
0.5 1.8 GO:0051286 cell tip(GO:0051286)
0.5 3.6 GO:0032045 guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor complex(GO:0032045)
0.4 2.2 GO:0089701 U2AF(GO:0089701)
0.4 6.9 GO:1902710 GABA receptor complex(GO:1902710) GABA-A receptor complex(GO:1902711)
0.4 6.7 GO:0097038 perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum(GO:0097038)
0.4 1.2 GO:0097149 centralspindlin complex(GO:0097149)
0.4 3.3 GO:0030991 intraciliary transport particle A(GO:0030991)
0.4 1.6 GO:0016602 CCAAT-binding factor complex(GO:0016602)
0.4 1.2 GO:0031466 Cul5-RING ubiquitin ligase complex(GO:0031466)
0.4 1.2 GO:0048179 activin receptor complex(GO:0048179)
0.4 3.4 GO:0060077 inhibitory synapse(GO:0060077)
0.4 0.7 GO:0033263 CORVET complex(GO:0033263)
0.4 4.4 GO:0030123 AP-3 adaptor complex(GO:0030123)
0.3 54.5 GO:0060076 excitatory synapse(GO:0060076)
0.3 1.0 GO:0005958 DNA-dependent protein kinase-DNA ligase 4 complex(GO:0005958)
0.3 3.4 GO:0030673 axolemma(GO:0030673)
0.3 1.3 GO:1990716 axonemal central apparatus(GO:1990716)
0.3 1.2 GO:1990131 EGO complex(GO:0034448) Gtr1-Gtr2 GTPase complex(GO:1990131)
0.3 0.9 GO:0005594 collagen type IX trimer(GO:0005594)
0.3 0.6 GO:0008282 ATP-sensitive potassium channel complex(GO:0008282)
0.3 7.3 GO:0032420 stereocilium(GO:0032420)
0.3 1.4 GO:0097433 dense body(GO:0097433)
0.3 1.6 GO:0090665 dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex(GO:0016010) glycoprotein complex(GO:0090665)
0.3 2.9 GO:0000346 transcription export complex(GO:0000346)
0.3 1.6 GO:0071437 invadopodium(GO:0071437)
0.3 6.0 GO:0005891 voltage-gated calcium channel complex(GO:0005891)
0.3 1.0 GO:0097524 sperm plasma membrane(GO:0097524)
0.3 22.5 GO:0045211 postsynaptic membrane(GO:0045211)
0.3 1.0 GO:0071546 pi-body(GO:0071546)
0.2 1.2 GO:0071547 piP-body(GO:0071547)
0.2 2.2 GO:0005832 chaperonin-containing T-complex(GO:0005832)
0.2 3.7 GO:0042101 T cell receptor complex(GO:0042101)
0.2 0.9 GO:0070876 SOSS complex(GO:0070876)
0.2 3.1 GO:0070382 exocytic vesicle(GO:0070382)
0.2 0.2 GO:0034666 integrin alpha2-beta1 complex(GO:0034666)
0.2 0.2 GO:0016533 cyclin-dependent protein kinase 5 holoenzyme complex(GO:0016533)
0.2 1.1 GO:0005672 transcription factor TFIIA complex(GO:0005672)
0.2 12.6 GO:0043195 terminal bouton(GO:0043195)
0.2 0.6 GO:0032437 cuticular plate(GO:0032437)
0.2 0.6 GO:0035355 Toll-like receptor 2-Toll-like receptor 6 protein complex(GO:0035355)
0.2 1.2 GO:0090571 RNA polymerase II transcription repressor complex(GO:0090571)
0.2 0.6 GO:0042585 germinal vesicle(GO:0042585)
0.2 0.6 GO:0036195 muscle cell projection(GO:0036194) muscle cell projection membrane(GO:0036195)
0.2 1.4 GO:0005577 fibrinogen complex(GO:0005577)
0.2 10.2 GO:0008076 voltage-gated potassium channel complex(GO:0008076)
0.2 0.8 GO:0098533 ATPase dependent transmembrane transport complex(GO:0098533)
0.2 0.2 GO:0072558 NLRP1 inflammasome complex(GO:0072558)
0.2 0.9 GO:0042765 GPI-anchor transamidase complex(GO:0042765)
0.2 0.4 GO:1990909 Wnt signalosome(GO:1990909)
0.2 1.7 GO:0097542 ciliary tip(GO:0097542)
0.2 2.6 GO:0032809 neuronal cell body membrane(GO:0032809)
0.2 1.9 GO:0042555 MCM complex(GO:0042555)
0.2 0.2 GO:0044393 microspike(GO:0044393)
0.2 0.2 GO:0005593 FACIT collagen trimer(GO:0005593)
0.1 0.4 GO:0071797 LUBAC complex(GO:0071797)
0.1 0.1 GO:0031523 Myb complex(GO:0031523)
0.1 19.0 GO:0031225 anchored component of membrane(GO:0031225)
0.1 0.5 GO:0005883 neurofilament(GO:0005883)
0.1 0.3 GO:0032299 ribonuclease H2 complex(GO:0032299)
0.1 0.5 GO:0097169 AIM2 inflammasome complex(GO:0097169)
0.1 0.7 GO:0070847 core mediator complex(GO:0070847)
0.1 0.6 GO:0000796 condensin complex(GO:0000796)
0.1 1.9 GO:0030665 clathrin-coated vesicle membrane(GO:0030665)
0.1 0.3 GO:0097543 ciliary inversin compartment(GO:0097543)
0.1 0.4 GO:0032009 early phagosome(GO:0032009)
0.1 0.4 GO:0005642 annulate lamellae(GO:0005642)
0.1 2.7 GO:0000314 organellar small ribosomal subunit(GO:0000314) mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit(GO:0005763)
0.1 0.3 GO:0097470 ribbon synapse(GO:0097470)
0.1 0.4 GO:0031265 CD95 death-inducing signaling complex(GO:0031265)
0.1 0.2 GO:0030132 clathrin coat of coated pit(GO:0030132)
0.1 1.6 GO:0005614 interstitial matrix(GO:0005614)
0.1 0.3 GO:0005785 signal recognition particle receptor complex(GO:0005785)
0.1 0.2 GO:1990923 PET complex(GO:1990923)
0.1 0.6 GO:0098642 collagen type IV trimer(GO:0005587) network-forming collagen trimer(GO:0098642) collagen network(GO:0098645) basement membrane collagen trimer(GO:0098651)
0.1 4.6 GO:0001533 cornified envelope(GO:0001533)
0.1 0.4 GO:0045098 type III intermediate filament(GO:0045098)
0.1 0.5 GO:0030877 beta-catenin destruction complex(GO:0030877)
0.1 0.3 GO:0000408 EKC/KEOPS complex(GO:0000408)
0.1 3.3 GO:0005871 kinesin complex(GO:0005871)
0.1 0.3 GO:0000235 astral microtubule(GO:0000235)
0.1 0.3 GO:0001674 female germ cell nucleus(GO:0001674)
0.1 0.2 GO:0005588 collagen type V trimer(GO:0005588)
0.1 0.2 GO:0034274 Atg12-Atg5-Atg16 complex(GO:0034274)
0.1 0.2 GO:0043527 tRNA methyltransferase complex(GO:0043527)
0.1 0.7 GO:0045334 clathrin-coated endocytic vesicle(GO:0045334)
0.1 0.2 GO:0000802 transverse filament(GO:0000802)
0.1 0.8 GO:0005652 nuclear lamina(GO:0005652)
0.1 0.1 GO:0097487 multivesicular body, internal vesicle(GO:0097487)
0.1 1.5 GO:0034451 centriolar satellite(GO:0034451)
0.1 0.8 GO:0005736 DNA-directed RNA polymerase I complex(GO:0005736)
0.1 0.1 GO:0017071 intracellular cyclic nucleotide activated cation channel complex(GO:0017071)
0.1 0.2 GO:0005944 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class IB(GO:0005944)
0.1 0.5 GO:0061700 GATOR2 complex(GO:0061700)
0.1 0.6 GO:0044447 axoneme part(GO:0044447)
0.1 0.1 GO:0044326 dendritic spine neck(GO:0044326)
0.0 0.1 GO:0097427 microtubule bundle(GO:0097427)
0.0 0.4 GO:0005859 muscle myosin complex(GO:0005859)
0.0 0.2 GO:0002189 ribose phosphate diphosphokinase complex(GO:0002189)
0.0 0.5 GO:0072546 ER membrane protein complex(GO:0072546)
0.0 0.3 GO:0031931 TORC1 complex(GO:0031931)
0.0 0.2 GO:0044530 supraspliceosomal complex(GO:0044530)
0.0 0.5 GO:0000145 exocyst(GO:0000145)
0.0 0.1 GO:0031467 Cul7-RING ubiquitin ligase complex(GO:0031467)
0.0 0.2 GO:0071203 WASH complex(GO:0071203)
0.0 0.0 GO:0018995 host(GO:0018995) host cell part(GO:0033643) host cell(GO:0043657)
0.0 0.3 GO:0000276 mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, coupling factor F(o)(GO:0000276)
0.0 0.3 GO:0019773 proteasome core complex, alpha-subunit complex(GO:0019773)
0.0 0.1 GO:0070939 Dsl1p complex(GO:0070939)
0.0 0.2 GO:0016593 Cdc73/Paf1 complex(GO:0016593)
0.0 0.1 GO:0071008 U2-type post-mRNA release spliceosomal complex(GO:0071008)
0.0 0.3 GO:0035631 CD40 receptor complex(GO:0035631)
0.0 0.2 GO:0033256 I-kappaB/NF-kappaB complex(GO:0033256)
0.0 0.1 GO:0005956 protein kinase CK2 complex(GO:0005956)
0.0 5.4 GO:0045202 synapse(GO:0045202)
0.0 0.1 GO:0070545 PeBoW complex(GO:0070545)
0.0 0.2 GO:0045277 respiratory chain complex IV(GO:0045277)
0.0 0.1 GO:0030008 TRAPP complex(GO:0030008)
0.0 0.3 GO:0030914 STAGA complex(GO:0030914)
0.0 0.1 GO:0090576 RNA polymerase III transcription factor complex(GO:0090576)
0.0 0.1 GO:0005663 DNA replication factor C complex(GO:0005663)
0.0 0.2 GO:0005839 proteasome core complex(GO:0005839)
0.0 0.1 GO:0031983 vesicle lumen(GO:0031983)
0.0 0.0 GO:0071256 Sec61 translocon complex(GO:0005784) translocon complex(GO:0071256)
0.0 0.0 GO:0030289 protein phosphatase 4 complex(GO:0030289)
0.0 0.0 GO:0061689 tricellular tight junction(GO:0061689)
0.0 0.0 GO:0097209 epidermal lamellar body(GO:0097209)

Gene overrepresentation in molecular function category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
14.4 43.1 GO:0005519 cytoskeletal regulatory protein binding(GO:0005519)
6.6 19.9 GO:0015142 citrate transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015137) tricarboxylic acid transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015142)
6.0 30.2 GO:0044323 retinoic acid-responsive element binding(GO:0044323)
5.3 10.6 GO:0031697 beta-1 adrenergic receptor binding(GO:0031697)
4.3 12.8 GO:0097109 neuroligin family protein binding(GO:0097109)
3.3 9.8 GO:0030158 protein xylosyltransferase activity(GO:0030158)
3.2 12.7 GO:0035727 lysophosphatidic acid binding(GO:0035727)
3.2 12.6 GO:0005030 neurotrophin receptor activity(GO:0005030)
2.9 8.7 GO:0048101 calcium- and calmodulin-regulated 3',5'-cyclic-GMP phosphodiesterase activity(GO:0048101)
2.6 7.7 GO:0004505 phenylalanine 4-monooxygenase activity(GO:0004505)
1.9 5.8 GO:0043423 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase binding(GO:0043423)
1.9 5.6 GO:0008184 glycogen phosphorylase activity(GO:0008184)
1.9 13.0 GO:0001640 adenylate cyclase inhibiting G-protein coupled glutamate receptor activity(GO:0001640)
1.8 5.5 GO:0035373 chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan binding(GO:0035373)
1.8 7.3 GO:0004971 AMPA glutamate receptor activity(GO:0004971)
1.8 5.4 GO:0015277 kainate selective glutamate receptor activity(GO:0015277)
1.7 8.3 GO:0005095 GTPase inhibitor activity(GO:0005095)
1.7 5.0 GO:0008898 S-adenosylmethionine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase activity(GO:0008898)
1.5 7.4 GO:0086080 protein binding involved in heterotypic cell-cell adhesion(GO:0086080)
1.5 4.4 GO:0097108 hedgehog family protein binding(GO:0097108)
1.4 4.3 GO:0004999 vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor activity(GO:0004999)
1.4 9.6 GO:0046790 virion binding(GO:0046790)
1.3 5.3 GO:0008502 melatonin receptor activity(GO:0008502)
1.3 5.1 GO:0016286 small conductance calcium-activated potassium channel activity(GO:0016286)
1.2 3.7 GO:0050816 phosphothreonine binding(GO:0050816)
1.2 7.4 GO:0016934 extracellular-glycine-gated ion channel activity(GO:0016933) extracellular-glycine-gated chloride channel activity(GO:0016934)
1.2 4.8 GO:0015016 [heparan sulfate]-glucosamine N-sulfotransferase activity(GO:0015016)
1.1 5.6 GO:0005004 GPI-linked ephrin receptor activity(GO:0005004)
1.1 3.3 GO:0045503 dynein light chain binding(GO:0045503)
1.1 6.5 GO:0004385 guanylate kinase activity(GO:0004385)
1.0 23.9 GO:0071837 HMG box domain binding(GO:0071837)
1.0 3.1 GO:0004471 malic enzyme activity(GO:0004470) malate dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) (NAD+) activity(GO:0004471)
1.0 8.1 GO:0001206 transcriptional repressor activity, RNA polymerase II distal enhancer sequence-specific binding(GO:0001206)
1.0 5.0 GO:0000099 sulfur amino acid transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0000099)
1.0 7.8 GO:0008113 peptide-methionine (S)-S-oxide reductase activity(GO:0008113)
1.0 12.6 GO:0008574 ATP-dependent microtubule motor activity, plus-end-directed(GO:0008574)
1.0 2.9 GO:0008503 benzodiazepine receptor activity(GO:0008503)
0.9 2.8 GO:0016149 translation release factor activity, codon specific(GO:0016149)
0.9 3.7 GO:0004566 beta-glucuronidase activity(GO:0004566)
0.9 3.6 GO:0031694 alpha-2A adrenergic receptor binding(GO:0031694)
0.9 0.9 GO:0004488 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity(GO:0004488)
0.9 16.9 GO:0030215 semaphorin receptor binding(GO:0030215)
0.9 8.0 GO:0001091 RNA polymerase II basal transcription factor binding(GO:0001091)
0.9 2.6 GO:0015018 galactosylgalactosylxylosylprotein 3-beta-glucuronosyltransferase activity(GO:0015018)
0.9 3.5 GO:0043262 adenosine-diphosphatase activity(GO:0043262)
0.9 1.7 GO:0015222 serotonin transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015222)
0.9 2.6 GO:0071209 U7 snRNA binding(GO:0071209)
0.8 1.7 GO:0005001 transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase activity(GO:0005001)
0.8 4.1 GO:0070728 leucine binding(GO:0070728)
0.8 5.8 GO:0031821 G-protein coupled serotonin receptor binding(GO:0031821)
0.8 2.5 GO:0050833 pyruvate transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0050833)
0.8 0.8 GO:0048763 calcium-induced calcium release activity(GO:0048763)
0.8 2.5 GO:0008449 N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase activity(GO:0008449)
0.8 4.9 GO:0043140 ATP-dependent 3'-5' DNA helicase activity(GO:0043140)
0.8 12.0 GO:0016805 dipeptidase activity(GO:0016805)
0.8 2.4 GO:0004980 melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor activity(GO:0004980)
0.8 1.6 GO:0097016 L27 domain binding(GO:0097016)
0.7 2.9 GO:0015272 ATP-activated inward rectifier potassium channel activity(GO:0015272)
0.7 3.6 GO:0003828 alpha-N-acetylneuraminate alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase activity(GO:0003828)
0.7 14.0 GO:0042813 Wnt-activated receptor activity(GO:0042813)
0.7 2.8 GO:0016715 oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen, reduced ascorbate as one donor, and incorporation of one atom of oxygen(GO:0016715)
0.7 2.1 GO:0019166 trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (NADPH) activity(GO:0019166)
0.7 2.7 GO:0004045 aminoacyl-tRNA hydrolase activity(GO:0004045)
0.7 3.4 GO:0004634 phosphopyruvate hydratase activity(GO:0004634)
0.7 8.0 GO:0015271 outward rectifier potassium channel activity(GO:0015271)
0.7 2.0 GO:0016508 long-chain-enoyl-CoA hydratase activity(GO:0016508)
0.7 2.0 GO:0016015 morphogen activity(GO:0016015)
0.7 2.6 GO:0032051 clathrin light chain binding(GO:0032051)
0.7 3.9 GO:0045499 chemorepellent activity(GO:0045499)
0.6 7.1 GO:0030553 cGMP binding(GO:0030553)
0.6 12.3 GO:0017075 syntaxin-1 binding(GO:0017075)
0.6 3.1 GO:0003958 NADPH-hemoprotein reductase activity(GO:0003958)
0.6 2.4 GO:0097001 ceramide binding(GO:0097001)
0.6 1.8 GO:0001075 transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II core promoter sequence-specific binding involved in preinitiation complex assembly(GO:0001075)
0.6 3.6 GO:0008046 axon guidance receptor activity(GO:0008046)
0.6 1.8 GO:0004965 G-protein coupled GABA receptor activity(GO:0004965)
0.6 7.7 GO:0008553 hydrogen-exporting ATPase activity, phosphorylative mechanism(GO:0008553)
0.6 5.2 GO:0016920 pyroglutamyl-peptidase activity(GO:0016920)
0.6 1.7 GO:0015563 uptake transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015563)
0.6 1.7 GO:0051425 PTB domain binding(GO:0051425)
0.6 1.7 GO:0035673 oligopeptide transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0035673)
0.6 1.7 GO:0008309 double-stranded DNA exodeoxyribonuclease activity(GO:0008309)
0.6 3.9 GO:0005167 neurotrophin TRK receptor binding(GO:0005167)
0.5 4.9 GO:0015172 L-glutamate transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0005313) acidic amino acid transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015172)
0.5 3.3 GO:0016421 CoA carboxylase activity(GO:0016421)
0.5 2.7 GO:0086006 voltage-gated sodium channel activity involved in cardiac muscle cell action potential(GO:0086006)
0.5 1.6 GO:0097200 cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in execution phase of apoptosis(GO:0097200)
0.5 3.2 GO:0008179 adenylate cyclase binding(GO:0008179)
0.5 2.1 GO:0004897 ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor activity(GO:0004897)
0.5 2.6 GO:0048495 Roundabout binding(GO:0048495)
0.5 4.6 GO:0005041 low-density lipoprotein receptor activity(GO:0005041)
0.5 2.0 GO:0015467 G-protein activated inward rectifier potassium channel activity(GO:0015467)
0.5 2.5 GO:0000182 rDNA binding(GO:0000182)
0.5 11.3 GO:0004181 metallocarboxypeptidase activity(GO:0004181)
0.5 9.7 GO:0003785 actin monomer binding(GO:0003785)
0.5 10.5 GO:0052713 calmodulin-dependent cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity(GO:0004117) cGMP-stimulated cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity(GO:0004118) cGMP-inhibited cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity(GO:0004119) photoreceptor cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity(GO:0004120) 7,8-dihydro-D-neopterin 2',3'-cyclic phosphate phosphodiesterase activity(GO:0044688) inositol phosphosphingolipid phospholipase activity(GO:0052712) inositol phosphorylceramide phospholipase activity(GO:0052713) mannosyl-inositol phosphorylceramide phospholipase activity(GO:0052714) mannosyl-diinositol phosphorylceramide phospholipase activity(GO:0052715)
0.5 1.4 GO:0050145 nucleoside phosphate kinase activity(GO:0050145)
0.4 1.8 GO:0005025 transforming growth factor beta receptor activity, type I(GO:0005025)
0.4 5.8 GO:0050811 GABA receptor binding(GO:0050811)
0.4 0.4 GO:0005223 intracellular cGMP activated cation channel activity(GO:0005223)
0.4 0.9 GO:0009374 biotin binding(GO:0009374)
0.4 2.6 GO:0032027 myosin light chain binding(GO:0032027)
0.4 4.7 GO:0005522 profilin binding(GO:0005522)
0.4 1.3 GO:0046428 4-hydroxybenzoate octaprenyltransferase activity(GO:0008412) protoheme IX farnesyltransferase activity(GO:0008495) (S)-2,3-di-O-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate synthase activity(GO:0043888) cadaverine aminopropyltransferase activity(GO:0043918) agmatine aminopropyltransferase activity(GO:0043919) 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate octaprenyltransferase activity(GO:0046428) trans-pentaprenyltranstransferase activity(GO:0048045) ATP dimethylallyltransferase activity(GO:0052622) ADP dimethylallyltransferase activity(GO:0052623)
0.4 1.2 GO:0015198 oligopeptide transporter activity(GO:0015198)
0.4 2.0 GO:0042609 CD4 receptor binding(GO:0042609)
0.4 2.0 GO:0001665 alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase activity(GO:0001665)
0.4 0.4 GO:0005237 inhibitory extracellular ligand-gated ion channel activity(GO:0005237)
0.4 5.2 GO:0017160 Ral GTPase binding(GO:0017160)
0.4 2.0 GO:0005432 calcium:sodium antiporter activity(GO:0005432)
0.4 2.8 GO:0043495 protein anchor(GO:0043495)
0.4 4.8 GO:0004000 adenosine deaminase activity(GO:0004000)
0.4 0.8 GO:0004351 glutamate decarboxylase activity(GO:0004351)
0.4 2.4 GO:0050733 RS domain binding(GO:0050733)
0.4 7.4 GO:0080025 phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate binding(GO:0080025)
0.4 1.9 GO:0004769 steroid delta-isomerase activity(GO:0004769)
0.4 1.5 GO:0070878 primary miRNA binding(GO:0070878)
0.4 3.8 GO:0005391 sodium:potassium-exchanging ATPase activity(GO:0005391)
0.4 1.1 GO:0030911 TPR domain binding(GO:0030911)
0.4 1.1 GO:0017162 aryl hydrocarbon receptor binding(GO:0017162)
0.4 1.8 GO:0004826 phenylalanine-tRNA ligase activity(GO:0004826)
0.4 1.1 GO:0050510 N-acetylgalactosaminyl-proteoglycan 3-beta-glucuronosyltransferase activity(GO:0050510)
0.4 1.1 GO:0071532 ankyrin repeat binding(GO:0071532)
0.4 1.4 GO:0005042 netrin receptor activity(GO:0005042)
0.3 1.4 GO:0051434 BH3 domain binding(GO:0051434)
0.3 1.0 GO:0001025 RNA polymerase III transcription factor binding(GO:0001025)
0.3 4.3 GO:0016917 GABA receptor activity(GO:0016917)
0.3 0.7 GO:0000405 bubble DNA binding(GO:0000405)
0.3 2.9 GO:0016624 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors, disulfide as acceptor(GO:0016624)
0.3 1.0 GO:0005502 11-cis retinal binding(GO:0005502)
0.3 0.3 GO:0008556 potassium-transporting ATPase activity(GO:0008556)
0.3 3.5 GO:0000146 microfilament motor activity(GO:0000146)
0.3 0.9 GO:0016309 1-phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase activity(GO:0016309)
0.3 0.3 GO:0043426 MRF binding(GO:0043426)
0.3 1.5 GO:0001515 opioid peptide activity(GO:0001515)
0.3 6.3 GO:0005540 hyaluronic acid binding(GO:0005540)
0.3 0.6 GO:0004703 G-protein coupled receptor kinase activity(GO:0004703)
0.3 0.9 GO:0005275 amine transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0005275)
0.3 1.5 GO:0004726 non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine phosphatase activity(GO:0004726)
0.3 0.9 GO:0016716 oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen, another compound as one donor, and incorporation of one atom of oxygen(GO:0016716)
0.3 2.9 GO:0004983 neuropeptide Y receptor activity(GO:0004983)
0.3 5.5 GO:0050998 nitric-oxide synthase binding(GO:0050998)
0.3 0.9 GO:0005483 soluble NSF attachment protein activity(GO:0005483)
0.3 0.9 GO:0019961 interferon binding(GO:0019961)
0.3 2.8 GO:0030159 receptor signaling complex scaffold activity(GO:0030159)
0.3 0.8 GO:2001070 starch binding(GO:2001070)
0.3 0.6 GO:0098632 protein binding involved in cell-cell adhesion(GO:0098632)
0.3 0.8 GO:0004359 glutaminase activity(GO:0004359)
0.3 1.1 GO:0034235 GPI anchor binding(GO:0034235)
0.3 1.9 GO:0002151 G-quadruplex RNA binding(GO:0002151)
0.3 1.4 GO:0000268 peroxisome targeting sequence binding(GO:0000268)
0.3 0.5 GO:0030899 calcium-dependent ATPase activity(GO:0030899)
0.3 5.1 GO:0003950 NAD+ ADP-ribosyltransferase activity(GO:0003950)
0.3 1.9 GO:0004952 dopamine neurotransmitter receptor activity(GO:0004952)
0.3 1.3 GO:0004565 beta-galactosidase activity(GO:0004565)
0.3 6.3 GO:0017134 fibroblast growth factor binding(GO:0017134)
0.3 3.1 GO:0035198 miRNA binding(GO:0035198)
0.3 1.0 GO:0033142 progesterone receptor binding(GO:0033142)
0.3 0.8 GO:0019153 protein-disulfide reductase (glutathione) activity(GO:0019153)
0.2 5.2 GO:0005537 mannose binding(GO:0005537)
0.2 0.7 GO:0016520 growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor activity(GO:0016520)
0.2 1.2 GO:0003708 retinoic acid receptor activity(GO:0003708)
0.2 3.2 GO:0016500 protein-hormone receptor activity(GO:0016500)
0.2 1.2 GO:0071723 lipopeptide binding(GO:0071723)
0.2 1.0 GO:0004060 arylamine N-acetyltransferase activity(GO:0004060)
0.2 14.7 GO:0051219 phosphoprotein binding(GO:0051219)
0.2 0.9 GO:0016833 oxo-acid-lyase activity(GO:0016833)
0.2 0.7 GO:0008332 low voltage-gated calcium channel activity(GO:0008332)
0.2 1.2 GO:0004985 opioid receptor activity(GO:0004985)
0.2 2.5 GO:0016909 JUN kinase activity(GO:0004705) SAP kinase activity(GO:0016909)
0.2 3.4 GO:0004653 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity(GO:0004653)
0.2 2.2 GO:0001161 intronic transcription regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding(GO:0001161)
0.2 0.2 GO:0016509 long-chain-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity(GO:0016509)
0.2 0.6 GO:0000155 phosphorelay sensor kinase activity(GO:0000155)
0.2 5.6 GO:0001205 transcriptional activator activity, RNA polymerase II distal enhancer sequence-specific binding(GO:0001205)
0.2 0.6 GO:0019959 interleukin-8 binding(GO:0019959)
0.2 3.0 GO:0005248 voltage-gated sodium channel activity(GO:0005248) voltage-gated ion channel activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic membrane potential(GO:1905030)
0.2 0.6 GO:0061629 RNA polymerase II sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor binding(GO:0061629)
0.2 0.4 GO:0008240 tripeptidyl-peptidase activity(GO:0008240)
0.2 3.0 GO:0017128 phospholipid scramblase activity(GO:0017128)
0.2 2.1 GO:0019531 oxalate transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0019531)
0.2 2.1 GO:0004970 ionotropic glutamate receptor activity(GO:0004970)
0.2 0.6 GO:0043823 mono-butyltin dioxygenase activity(GO:0018586) tri-n-butyltin dioxygenase activity(GO:0018588) di-n-butyltin dioxygenase activity(GO:0018589) methylsilanetriol hydroxylase activity(GO:0018590) methyl tertiary butyl ether 3-monooxygenase activity(GO:0018591) 4-nitrocatechol 4-monooxygenase activity(GO:0018592) 4-chlorophenoxyacetate monooxygenase activity(GO:0018593) tert-butanol 2-monooxygenase activity(GO:0018594) alpha-pinene monooxygenase activity(GO:0018595) dimethylsilanediol hydroxylase activity(GO:0018596) ammonia monooxygenase activity(GO:0018597) hydroxymethylsilanetriol oxidase activity(GO:0018598) 2-hydroxyisobutyrate 3-monooxygenase activity(GO:0018599) alpha-pinene dehydrogenase activity(GO:0018600) bisphenol A hydroxylase B activity(GO:0034559) 2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-propanol hydroxylase activity(GO:0034562) 9-fluorenone-3,4-dioxygenase activity(GO:0034786) anthracene 9,10-dioxygenase activity(GO:0034816) 2-(methylthio)benzothiazole monooxygenase activity(GO:0034857) 2-hydroxybenzothiazole monooxygenase activity(GO:0034858) benzothiazole monooxygenase activity(GO:0034859) 2,6-dihydroxybenzothiazole monooxygenase activity(GO:0034862) pinacolone 5-monooxygenase activity(GO:0034870) thioacetamide S-oxygenase activity(GO:0034873) thioacetamide S-oxide S-oxygenase activity(GO:0034874) endosulfan monooxygenase I activity(GO:0034888) N-nitrodimethylamine hydroxylase activity(GO:0034893) 4-(1-ethyl-1,4-dimethyl-pentyl)phenol monoxygenase activity(GO:0034897) endosulfan ether monooxygenase activity(GO:0034903) pyrene 4,5-monooxygenase activity(GO:0034925) pyrene 1,2-monooxygenase activity(GO:0034927) 1-hydroxypyrene 6,7-monooxygenase activity(GO:0034928) 1-hydroxypyrene 7,8-monooxygenase activity(GO:0034929) phenylboronic acid monooxygenase activity(GO:0034950) spheroidene monooxygenase activity(GO:0043823)
0.2 2.7 GO:0070402 NADPH binding(GO:0070402)
0.2 0.4 GO:0034191 apolipoprotein A-I receptor binding(GO:0034191)
0.2 2.7 GO:0055106 ubiquitin-protein transferase regulator activity(GO:0055106)
0.2 0.6 GO:0000403 Y-form DNA binding(GO:0000403)
0.2 2.6 GO:1990841 promoter-specific chromatin binding(GO:1990841)
0.2 1.6 GO:0001671 ATPase activator activity(GO:0001671)
0.2 0.6 GO:0004920 interleukin-10 receptor activity(GO:0004920)
0.2 1.4 GO:0043023 ribosomal large subunit binding(GO:0043023)
0.2 1.9 GO:0017065 single-strand selective uracil DNA N-glycosylase activity(GO:0017065) nicotinamide riboside hydrolase activity(GO:0070635) nicotinic acid riboside hydrolase activity(GO:0070636) deoxyribonucleoside 5'-monophosphate N-glycosidase activity(GO:0070694)
0.2 0.4 GO:0001069 regulatory region RNA binding(GO:0001069)
0.2 0.8 GO:0043237 laminin-1 binding(GO:0043237)
0.2 0.6 GO:0032564 dATP binding(GO:0032564)
0.2 0.9 GO:0016623 aldehyde oxidase activity(GO:0004031) oxidoreductase activity, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors, oxygen as acceptor(GO:0016623)
0.2 0.6 GO:0003909 DNA ligase activity(GO:0003909) DNA ligase (ATP) activity(GO:0003910)
0.2 3.4 GO:0031489 myosin V binding(GO:0031489)
0.2 0.4 GO:0098988 G-protein coupled glutamate receptor activity(GO:0098988)
0.2 0.7 GO:0005280 hydrogen:amino acid symporter activity(GO:0005280)
0.2 0.7 GO:0004969 histamine receptor activity(GO:0004969)
0.2 1.2 GO:0008239 dipeptidyl-peptidase activity(GO:0008239)
0.2 0.7 GO:0034714 type III transforming growth factor beta receptor binding(GO:0034714)
0.2 0.5 GO:0036042 long-chain fatty acyl-CoA binding(GO:0036042)
0.2 1.2 GO:0005068 transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase adaptor activity(GO:0005068)
0.2 0.7 GO:0005346 adenine nucleotide transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0000295) purine ribonucleotide transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0005346) purine nucleotide transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015216)
0.2 0.5 GO:0043533 inositol 1,3,4,5 tetrakisphosphate binding(GO:0043533)
0.2 0.2 GO:0043733 alkylbase DNA N-glycosylase activity(GO:0003905) DNA-3-methylbase glycosylase activity(GO:0043733)
0.2 4.4 GO:0070888 E-box binding(GO:0070888)
0.2 2.2 GO:0099589 G-protein coupled serotonin receptor activity(GO:0004993) serotonin receptor activity(GO:0099589)
0.2 0.9 GO:0035242 protein-arginine omega-N asymmetric methyltransferase activity(GO:0035242)
0.2 1.2 GO:0001135 transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II transcription factor recruiting(GO:0001135)
0.2 0.2 GO:0004571 mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2-alpha-mannosidase activity(GO:0004571)
0.2 1.5 GO:0034450 ubiquitin-ubiquitin ligase activity(GO:0034450)
0.2 0.9 GO:0004716 receptor signaling protein tyrosine kinase activity(GO:0004716)
0.1 0.1 GO:0071208 histone pre-mRNA DCP binding(GO:0071208)
0.1 3.9 GO:0005251 delayed rectifier potassium channel activity(GO:0005251)
0.1 0.1 GO:0009041 uridylate kinase activity(GO:0009041)
0.1 0.4 GO:0035939 microsatellite binding(GO:0035939)
0.1 0.7 GO:0004994 somatostatin receptor activity(GO:0004994)
0.1 0.6 GO:0004459 L-lactate dehydrogenase activity(GO:0004459)
0.1 0.4 GO:0016882 cyclo-ligase activity(GO:0016882)
0.1 0.5 GO:0005173 stem cell factor receptor binding(GO:0005173)
0.1 0.4 GO:0016823 hydrolase activity, acting on acid carbon-carbon bonds(GO:0016822) hydrolase activity, acting on acid carbon-carbon bonds, in ketonic substances(GO:0016823)
0.1 3.4 GO:0005184 neuropeptide hormone activity(GO:0005184)
0.1 0.5 GO:0004035 alkaline phosphatase activity(GO:0004035)
0.1 0.5 GO:0034584 piRNA binding(GO:0034584)
0.1 0.4 GO:0008310 single-stranded DNA 3'-5' exodeoxyribonuclease activity(GO:0008310)
0.1 1.0 GO:0004534 5'-3' exoribonuclease activity(GO:0004534)
0.1 0.6 GO:0008020 G-protein coupled photoreceptor activity(GO:0008020)
0.1 0.2 GO:0038191 neuropilin binding(GO:0038191)
0.1 0.7 GO:0000983 transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II core promoter sequence-specific(GO:0000983)
0.1 0.4 GO:0030292 protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor activity(GO:0030292)
0.1 0.1 GO:0015106 bicarbonate transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015106)
0.1 1.0 GO:0008656 cysteine-type endopeptidase activator activity involved in apoptotic process(GO:0008656)
0.1 0.4 GO:0022858 L-alanine transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015180) alanine transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0022858)
0.1 1.9 GO:0005112 Notch binding(GO:0005112)
0.1 1.1 GO:0004143 diacylglycerol kinase activity(GO:0004143)
0.1 0.3 GO:0015211 purine nucleoside transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015211)
0.1 0.3 GO:0031708 endothelin B receptor binding(GO:0031708)
0.1 0.3 GO:0004833 tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase activity(GO:0004833)
0.1 0.2 GO:0042895 antibiotic transporter activity(GO:0042895)
0.1 0.4 GO:0016901 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-OH group of donors, quinone or similar compound as acceptor(GO:0016901)
0.1 0.3 GO:0019776 Atg8 ligase activity(GO:0019776)
0.1 0.7 GO:0032454 histone demethylase activity (H3-K9 specific)(GO:0032454)
0.1 0.2 GO:0008271 secondary active sulfate transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0008271)
0.1 0.2 GO:0001727 lipid kinase activity(GO:0001727)
0.1 2.9 GO:0004364 glutathione transferase activity(GO:0004364)
0.1 0.7 GO:0038036 sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor activity(GO:0038036)
0.1 3.7 GO:0034483 heparan sulfate sulfotransferase activity(GO:0034483)
0.1 0.3 GO:0035175 histone kinase activity (H3-S10 specific)(GO:0035175)
0.1 0.2 GO:0086008 voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in cardiac muscle cell action potential repolarization(GO:0086008)
0.1 1.0 GO:0042608 T cell receptor binding(GO:0042608)
0.1 0.9 GO:0042043 neurexin family protein binding(GO:0042043)
0.1 0.2 GO:0004127 cytidylate kinase activity(GO:0004127)
0.1 1.1 GO:0015035 protein disulfide oxidoreductase activity(GO:0015035)
0.1 0.9 GO:0042577 lipid phosphatase activity(GO:0042577)
0.1 2.1 GO:0015347 sodium-independent organic anion transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015347)
0.1 1.0 GO:0034237 protein kinase A regulatory subunit binding(GO:0034237)
0.1 0.3 GO:0008499 UDP-galactose:beta-N-acetylglucosamine beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase activity(GO:0008499)
0.1 0.8 GO:0015385 sodium:proton antiporter activity(GO:0015385) potassium:proton antiporter activity(GO:0015386)
0.1 1.1 GO:0015026 coreceptor activity(GO:0015026)
0.1 0.3 GO:0004528 phosphodiesterase I activity(GO:0004528)
0.1 0.2 GO:0008597 calcium-dependent protein serine/threonine phosphatase regulator activity(GO:0008597)
0.1 0.7 GO:0001972 retinoic acid binding(GO:0001972)
0.1 0.6 GO:0042301 phosphate ion binding(GO:0042301)
0.1 0.9 GO:0043425 bHLH transcription factor binding(GO:0043425)
0.1 0.8 GO:0030296 protein tyrosine kinase activator activity(GO:0030296)
0.1 0.9 GO:0001054 RNA polymerase I activity(GO:0001054)
0.1 0.1 GO:0004673 protein histidine kinase activity(GO:0004673)
0.1 0.1 GO:0016971 flavin-linked sulfhydryl oxidase activity(GO:0016971)
0.1 0.3 GO:0005047 signal recognition particle binding(GO:0005047)
0.1 1.2 GO:0030742 GTP-dependent protein binding(GO:0030742)
0.1 0.1 GO:0031735 CCR10 chemokine receptor binding(GO:0031735)
0.1 0.5 GO:0033691 sialic acid binding(GO:0033691)
0.1 0.4 GO:0004176 ATP-dependent peptidase activity(GO:0004176)
0.1 0.1 GO:0030235 nitric-oxide synthase regulator activity(GO:0030235)
0.1 1.3 GO:0005385 zinc ion transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0005385)
0.1 0.5 GO:0039706 co-receptor binding(GO:0039706)
0.1 0.3 GO:0047498 calcium-dependent phospholipase A2 activity(GO:0047498)
0.1 0.1 GO:0004517 nitric-oxide synthase activity(GO:0004517)
0.1 0.6 GO:0016713 oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen, reduced iron-sulfur protein as one donor, and incorporation of one atom of oxygen(GO:0016713)
0.1 0.2 GO:0004449 isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity(GO:0004449)
0.1 0.2 GO:0016262 protein N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity(GO:0016262)
0.1 0.2 GO:0004346 glucose-6-phosphatase activity(GO:0004346) sugar-terminal-phosphatase activity(GO:0050309)
0.1 0.2 GO:0004942 anaphylatoxin receptor activity(GO:0004942)
0.1 0.1 GO:0008427 calcium-dependent protein kinase inhibitor activity(GO:0008427)
0.0 0.2 GO:0004749 ribose phosphate diphosphokinase activity(GO:0004749)
0.0 0.0 GO:0016972 thiol oxidase activity(GO:0016972)
0.0 0.1 GO:0019238 cyclohydrolase activity(GO:0019238)
0.0 0.2 GO:0018812 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase activity(GO:0018812)
0.0 0.1 GO:0023029 MHC class Ib protein binding(GO:0023029)
0.0 0.9 GO:0008139 nuclear localization sequence binding(GO:0008139)
0.0 0.1 GO:1990430 extracellular matrix protein binding(GO:1990430)
0.0 4.4 GO:0004222 metalloendopeptidase activity(GO:0004222)
0.0 0.3 GO:0031386 protein tag(GO:0031386)
0.0 0.2 GO:0035662 Toll-like receptor 4 binding(GO:0035662)
0.0 0.8 GO:0070003 threonine-type endopeptidase activity(GO:0004298) threonine-type peptidase activity(GO:0070003)
0.0 0.2 GO:0046974 histone methyltransferase activity (H3-K9 specific)(GO:0046974)
0.0 0.1 GO:0042285 UDP-xylosyltransferase activity(GO:0035252) xylosyltransferase activity(GO:0042285)
0.0 0.1 GO:0016018 cyclosporin A binding(GO:0016018)
0.0 0.2 GO:0047499 calcium-independent phospholipase A2 activity(GO:0047499)
0.0 0.1 GO:0004719 protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase activity(GO:0004719)
0.0 0.1 GO:0004311 farnesyltranstransferase activity(GO:0004311)
0.0 0.1 GO:0005006 epidermal growth factor-activated receptor activity(GO:0005006)
0.0 0.1 GO:0009881 photoreceptor activity(GO:0009881)
0.0 0.6 GO:0042169 SH2 domain binding(GO:0042169)
0.0 0.4 GO:0004889 acetylcholine-activated cation-selective channel activity(GO:0004889)
0.0 0.4 GO:0052736 dextrin alpha-glucosidase activity(GO:0044653) starch alpha-glucosidase activity(GO:0044654) beta-glucanase activity(GO:0052736) beta-6-sulfate-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity(GO:0052769) glucan endo-1,4-beta-glucosidase activity(GO:0052859)
0.0 0.2 GO:0008474 palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity(GO:0008474) palmitoyl hydrolase activity(GO:0098599)
0.0 0.1 GO:0043199 sulfate binding(GO:0043199)
0.0 0.0 GO:0031711 bradykinin receptor binding(GO:0031711)
0.0 0.1 GO:0036310 annealing helicase activity(GO:0036310)
0.0 0.1 GO:0004800 thyroxine 5'-deiodinase activity(GO:0004800)
0.0 0.1 GO:0004937 alpha1-adrenergic receptor activity(GO:0004937)
0.0 0.1 GO:0004982 N-formyl peptide receptor activity(GO:0004982)
0.0 0.1 GO:0015165 pyrimidine nucleotide-sugar transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015165)
0.0 0.3 GO:0005186 pheromone activity(GO:0005186)
0.0 0.1 GO:0005452 inorganic anion exchanger activity(GO:0005452)
0.0 0.1 GO:0004946 bombesin receptor activity(GO:0004946)
0.0 0.1 GO:0043422 protein kinase B binding(GO:0043422)
0.0 0.1 GO:0098518 polynucleotide phosphatase activity(GO:0098518)
0.0 0.0 GO:0001016 RNA polymerase III regulatory region DNA binding(GO:0001016)
0.0 0.1 GO:0022820 potassium:chloride symporter activity(GO:0015379) potassium ion symporter activity(GO:0022820)
0.0 0.0 GO:0051185 coenzyme transporter activity(GO:0051185)
0.0 0.1 GO:0005049 nuclear export signal receptor activity(GO:0005049)
0.0 0.1 GO:0004668 protein-arginine deiminase activity(GO:0004668)

Gene overrepresentation in curated gene sets: canonical pathways category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
1.3 2.6 PID INTEGRIN CS PATHWAY Integrin family cell surface interactions
1.3 40.0 PID NETRIN PATHWAY Netrin-mediated signaling events
0.8 15.0 PID HEDGEHOG 2PATHWAY Signaling events mediated by the Hedgehog family
0.6 1.8 PID INTEGRIN1 PATHWAY Beta1 integrin cell surface interactions
0.5 2.0 PID PI3KCI AKT PATHWAY Class I PI3K signaling events mediated by Akt
0.5 1.0 PID S1P S1P3 PATHWAY S1P3 pathway
0.4 5.7 PID NFKAPPAB ATYPICAL PATHWAY Atypical NF-kappaB pathway
0.4 0.7 SIG PIP3 SIGNALING IN B LYMPHOCYTES Genes related to PIP3 signaling in B lymphocytes
0.4 3.9 PID ARF6 DOWNSTREAM PATHWAY Arf6 downstream pathway
0.3 6.9 PID EPHRINB REV PATHWAY Ephrin B reverse signaling
0.3 6.2 PID INTEGRIN2 PATHWAY Beta2 integrin cell surface interactions
0.3 7.7 PID RET PATHWAY Signaling events regulated by Ret tyrosine kinase
0.3 4.6 PID AR NONGENOMIC PATHWAY Nongenotropic Androgen signaling
0.2 8.4 PID FGF PATHWAY FGF signaling pathway
0.2 1.6 PID SYNDECAN 3 PATHWAY Syndecan-3-mediated signaling events
0.2 0.5 PID EPHA2 FWD PATHWAY EPHA2 forward signaling
0.2 5.4 ST ADRENERGIC Adrenergic Pathway
0.2 3.5 PID GLYPICAN 1PATHWAY Glypican 1 network
0.2 6.0 PID HNF3A PATHWAY FOXA1 transcription factor network
0.2 0.5 PID IL3 PATHWAY IL3-mediated signaling events
0.2 5.1 PID CDC42 PATHWAY CDC42 signaling events
0.1 0.7 PID BETA CATENIN DEG PATHWAY Degradation of beta catenin
0.1 3.7 PID WNT SIGNALING PATHWAY Wnt signaling network
0.1 0.8 ST G ALPHA S PATHWAY G alpha s Pathway
0.1 2.9 PID ERBB1 INTERNALIZATION PATHWAY Internalization of ErbB1
0.1 1.2 SA PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH Programmed cell death, or apoptosis, eliminates damaged or unneeded cells.
0.1 0.6 PID RANBP2 PATHWAY Sumoylation by RanBP2 regulates transcriptional repression
0.1 0.1 PID IL8 CXCR1 PATHWAY IL8- and CXCR1-mediated signaling events
0.1 2.7 ST WNT BETA CATENIN PATHWAY Wnt/beta-catenin Pathway
0.1 0.3 ST G ALPHA I PATHWAY G alpha i Pathway
0.1 2.4 PID SHP2 PATHWAY SHP2 signaling
0.1 1.4 PID EPHA FWDPATHWAY EPHA forward signaling
0.1 1.3 PID ERBB4 PATHWAY ErbB4 signaling events
0.1 0.7 ST DIFFERENTIATION PATHWAY IN PC12 CELLS Differentiation Pathway in PC12 Cells; this is a specific case of PAC1 Receptor Pathway.
0.1 0.6 PID IL8 CXCR2 PATHWAY IL8- and CXCR2-mediated signaling events
0.0 1.0 PID PS1 PATHWAY Presenilin action in Notch and Wnt signaling
0.0 0.1 SA G1 AND S PHASES Cdk2, 4, and 6 bind cyclin D in G1, while cdk2/cyclin E promotes the G1/S transition.
0.0 0.3 PID WNT NONCANONICAL PATHWAY Noncanonical Wnt signaling pathway
0.0 0.1 ST INTERFERON GAMMA PATHWAY Interferon gamma pathway.
0.0 0.0 PID THROMBIN PAR4 PATHWAY PAR4-mediated thrombin signaling events
0.0 0.2 PID IL27 PATHWAY IL27-mediated signaling events
0.0 0.5 PID P38 ALPHA BETA PATHWAY Regulation of p38-alpha and p38-beta
0.0 3.7 NABA ECM AFFILIATED Genes encoding proteins affiliated structurally or functionally to extracellular matrix proteins
0.0 0.2 PID ALK2 PATHWAY ALK2 signaling events
0.0 0.2 PID EPHB FWD PATHWAY EPHB forward signaling
0.0 0.0 PID PI3K PLC TRK PATHWAY Trk receptor signaling mediated by PI3K and PLC-gamma

Gene overrepresentation in curated gene sets: REACTOME pathways category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
1.4 2.9 REACTOME SIGNALING BY SCF KIT Genes involved in Signaling by SCF-KIT
1.4 1.4 REACTOME INHIBITION OF INSULIN SECRETION BY ADRENALINE NORADRENALINE Genes involved in Inhibition of Insulin Secretion by Adrenaline/Noradrenaline
1.2 9.5 REACTOME DSCAM INTERACTIONS Genes involved in DSCAM interactions
1.1 11.9 REACTOME IONOTROPIC ACTIVITY OF KAINATE RECEPTORS Genes involved in Ionotropic activity of Kainate Receptors
1.1 27.9 REACTOME MYOGENESIS Genes involved in Myogenesis
1.0 14.7 REACTOME CLASS C 3 METABOTROPIC GLUTAMATE PHEROMONE RECEPTORS Genes involved in Class C/3 (Metabotropic glutamate/pheromone receptors)
0.9 6.5 REACTOME CREATION OF C4 AND C2 ACTIVATORS Genes involved in Creation of C4 and C2 activators
0.9 0.9 REACTOME CREB PHOSPHORYLATION THROUGH THE ACTIVATION OF CAMKII Genes involved in CREB phosphorylation through the activation of CaMKII
0.8 16.5 REACTOME LIGAND GATED ION CHANNEL TRANSPORT Genes involved in Ligand-gated ion channel transport
0.8 7.2 REACTOME DCC MEDIATED ATTRACTIVE SIGNALING Genes involved in DCC mediated attractive signaling
0.8 19.2 REACTOME SIGNALING BY ROBO RECEPTOR Genes involved in Signaling by Robo receptor
0.7 11.0 REACTOME OTHER SEMAPHORIN INTERACTIONS Genes involved in Other semaphorin interactions
0.6 10.3 REACTOME NA CL DEPENDENT NEUROTRANSMITTER TRANSPORTERS Genes involved in Na+/Cl- dependent neurotransmitter transporters
0.6 7.1 REACTOME CRMPS IN SEMA3A SIGNALING Genes involved in CRMPs in Sema3A signaling
0.6 9.3 REACTOME UNBLOCKING OF NMDA RECEPTOR GLUTAMATE BINDING AND ACTIVATION Genes involved in Unblocking of NMDA receptor, glutamate binding and activation
0.6 11.1 REACTOME ADHERENS JUNCTIONS INTERACTIONS Genes involved in Adherens junctions interactions
0.5 10.1 REACTOME INSULIN SYNTHESIS AND PROCESSING Genes involved in Insulin Synthesis and Processing
0.4 8.5 REACTOME NETRIN1 SIGNALING Genes involved in Netrin-1 signaling
0.4 7.2 REACTOME CGMP EFFECTS Genes involved in cGMP effects
0.4 16.2 REACTOME VOLTAGE GATED POTASSIUM CHANNELS Genes involved in Voltage gated Potassium channels
0.4 2.6 REACTOME NEGATIVE REGULATION OF THE PI3K AKT NETWORK Genes involved in Negative regulation of the PI3K/AKT network
0.4 3.9 REACTOME GLYCOGEN BREAKDOWN GLYCOGENOLYSIS Genes involved in Glycogen breakdown (glycogenolysis)
0.3 2.8 REACTOME NEPHRIN INTERACTIONS Genes involved in Nephrin interactions
0.3 3.7 REACTOME CS DS DEGRADATION Genes involved in CS/DS degradation
0.3 5.4 REACTOME BRANCHED CHAIN AMINO ACID CATABOLISM Genes involved in Branched-chain amino acid catabolism
0.3 0.9 REACTOME SIGNAL REGULATORY PROTEIN SIRP FAMILY INTERACTIONS Genes involved in Signal regulatory protein (SIRP) family interactions
0.3 1.3 REACTOME PLATELET CALCIUM HOMEOSTASIS Genes involved in Platelet calcium homeostasis
0.3 12.1 REACTOME NCAM1 INTERACTIONS Genes involved in NCAM1 interactions
0.3 4.9 REACTOME REGULATION OF GENE EXPRESSION IN BETA CELLS Genes involved in Regulation of gene expression in beta cells
0.3 7.0 REACTOME POST TRANSLATIONAL MODIFICATION SYNTHESIS OF GPI ANCHORED PROTEINS Genes involved in Post-translational modification: synthesis of GPI-anchored proteins
0.3 1.1 REACTOME G ALPHA Z SIGNALLING EVENTS Genes involved in G alpha (z) signalling events
0.3 2.7 REACTOME INHIBITION OF VOLTAGE GATED CA2 CHANNELS VIA GBETA GAMMA SUBUNITS Genes involved in Inhibition of voltage gated Ca2+ channels via Gbeta/gamma subunits
0.3 1.0 REACTOME BINDING AND ENTRY OF HIV VIRION Genes involved in Binding and entry of HIV virion
0.3 2.0 REACTOME DOWNREGULATION OF ERBB2 ERBB3 SIGNALING Genes involved in Downregulation of ERBB2:ERBB3 signaling
0.2 2.0 REACTOME TRANSPORT OF ORGANIC ANIONS Genes involved in Transport of organic anions
0.2 4.5 REACTOME EFFECTS OF PIP2 HYDROLYSIS Genes involved in Effects of PIP2 hydrolysis
0.2 2.7 REACTOME FGFR2C LIGAND BINDING AND ACTIVATION Genes involved in FGFR2c ligand binding and activation
0.2 1.9 REACTOME HORMONE LIGAND BINDING RECEPTORS Genes involved in Hormone ligand-binding receptors
0.2 1.3 REACTOME ANDROGEN BIOSYNTHESIS Genes involved in Androgen biosynthesis
0.2 0.2 REACTOME SIGNALING BY ACTIVATED POINT MUTANTS OF FGFR1 Genes involved in Signaling by activated point mutants of FGFR1
0.2 1.2 REACTOME INWARDLY RECTIFYING K CHANNELS Genes involved in Inwardly rectifying K+ channels
0.2 2.2 REACTOME SEROTONIN RECEPTORS Genes involved in Serotonin receptors
0.2 2.3 REACTOME EGFR DOWNREGULATION Genes involved in EGFR downregulation
0.2 2.3 REACTOME INFLAMMASOMES Genes involved in Inflammasomes
0.2 5.3 REACTOME RNA POL III TRANSCRIPTION Genes involved in RNA Polymerase III Transcription
0.2 1.3 REACTOME GLUTAMATE NEUROTRANSMITTER RELEASE CYCLE Genes involved in Glutamate Neurotransmitter Release Cycle
0.2 2.0 REACTOME ENDOGENOUS STEROLS Genes involved in Endogenous sterols
0.2 0.8 REACTOME REGULATION OF KIT SIGNALING Genes involved in Regulation of KIT signaling
0.2 1.1 REACTOME ACETYLCHOLINE NEUROTRANSMITTER RELEASE CYCLE Genes involved in Acetylcholine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle
0.1 6.3 REACTOME NUCLEAR RECEPTOR TRANSCRIPTION PATHWAY Genes involved in Nuclear Receptor transcription pathway
0.1 2.8 REACTOME SIGNALING BY HIPPO Genes involved in Signaling by Hippo
0.1 0.1 REACTOME TRANSLOCATION OF ZAP 70 TO IMMUNOLOGICAL SYNAPSE Genes involved in Translocation of ZAP-70 to Immunological synapse
0.1 1.0 REACTOME PHOSPHORYLATION OF CD3 AND TCR ZETA CHAINS Genes involved in Phosphorylation of CD3 and TCR zeta chains
0.1 0.1 REACTOME NEP NS2 INTERACTS WITH THE CELLULAR EXPORT MACHINERY Genes involved in NEP/NS2 Interacts with the Cellular Export Machinery
0.1 2.6 REACTOME BASIGIN INTERACTIONS Genes involved in Basigin interactions
0.1 0.8 REACTOME ACTIVATION OF THE AP1 FAMILY OF TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS Genes involved in Activation of the AP-1 family of transcription factors
0.1 1.5 REACTOME ZINC TRANSPORTERS Genes involved in Zinc transporters
0.1 1.2 REACTOME PURINE RIBONUCLEOSIDE MONOPHOSPHATE BIOSYNTHESIS Genes involved in Purine ribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthesis
0.1 0.1 REACTOME BILE ACID AND BILE SALT METABOLISM Genes involved in Bile acid and bile salt metabolism
0.1 0.5 REACTOME BETA DEFENSINS Genes involved in Beta defensins
0.1 3.0 REACTOME ION TRANSPORT BY P TYPE ATPASES Genes involved in Ion transport by P-type ATPases
0.1 0.8 REACTOME OPSINS Genes involved in Opsins
0.1 1.8 REACTOME POTASSIUM CHANNELS Genes involved in Potassium Channels
0.1 1.2 REACTOME POL SWITCHING Genes involved in Polymerase switching
0.1 0.9 REACTOME THE ROLE OF NEF IN HIV1 REPLICATION AND DISEASE PATHOGENESIS Genes involved in The role of Nef in HIV-1 replication and disease pathogenesis
0.1 0.9 REACTOME PRESYNAPTIC NICOTINIC ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTORS Genes involved in Presynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
0.1 1.2 REACTOME TIE2 SIGNALING Genes involved in Tie2 Signaling
0.1 0.1 REACTOME CLASS A1 RHODOPSIN LIKE RECEPTORS Genes involved in Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors)
0.1 2.3 REACTOME TRANSPORT TO THE GOLGI AND SUBSEQUENT MODIFICATION Genes involved in Transport to the Golgi and subsequent modification
0.1 1.1 REACTOME POST NMDA RECEPTOR ACTIVATION EVENTS Genes involved in Post NMDA receptor activation events
0.1 0.6 REACTOME CD28 DEPENDENT PI3K AKT SIGNALING Genes involved in CD28 dependent PI3K/Akt signaling
0.1 0.3 REACTOME REPAIR SYNTHESIS FOR GAP FILLING BY DNA POL IN TC NER Genes involved in Repair synthesis for gap-filling by DNA polymerase in TC-NER
0.1 1.0 REACTOME INCRETIN SYNTHESIS SECRETION AND INACTIVATION Genes involved in Incretin Synthesis, Secretion, and Inactivation
0.1 0.2 REACTOME TRANSCRIPTION COUPLED NER TC NER Genes involved in Transcription-coupled NER (TC-NER)
0.1 0.9 REACTOME RNA POL I TRANSCRIPTION TERMINATION Genes involved in RNA Polymerase I Transcription Termination
0.1 0.1 REACTOME RORA ACTIVATES CIRCADIAN EXPRESSION Genes involved in RORA Activates Circadian Expression
0.1 1.0 REACTOME INTERACTION BETWEEN L1 AND ANKYRINS Genes involved in Interaction between L1 and Ankyrins
0.1 0.9 REACTOME ANTIGEN ACTIVATES B CELL RECEPTOR LEADING TO GENERATION OF SECOND MESSENGERS Genes involved in Antigen Activates B Cell Receptor Leading to Generation of Second Messengers
0.1 0.2 REACTOME PD1 SIGNALING Genes involved in PD-1 signaling
0.1 0.2 REACTOME RNA POL I TRANSCRIPTION INITIATION Genes involved in RNA Polymerase I Transcription Initiation
0.1 0.8 REACTOME SIGNALING BY BMP Genes involved in Signaling by BMP
0.1 0.4 REACTOME NFKB IS ACTIVATED AND SIGNALS SURVIVAL Genes involved in NF-kB is activated and signals survival
0.0 0.9 REACTOME TRAFFICKING OF AMPA RECEPTORS Genes involved in Trafficking of AMPA receptors
0.0 1.2 REACTOME AMINE LIGAND BINDING RECEPTORS Genes involved in Amine ligand-binding receptors
0.0 1.3 REACTOME IMMUNOREGULATORY INTERACTIONS BETWEEN A LYMPHOID AND A NON LYMPHOID CELL Genes involved in Immunoregulatory interactions between a Lymphoid and a non-Lymphoid cell
0.0 1.4 REACTOME CLASS B 2 SECRETIN FAMILY RECEPTORS Genes involved in Class B/2 (Secretin family receptors)
0.0 0.1 REACTOME XENOBIOTICS Genes involved in Xenobiotics
0.0 0.2 REACTOME INITIAL TRIGGERING OF COMPLEMENT Genes involved in Initial triggering of complement
0.0 0.5 REACTOME RESOLUTION OF AP SITES VIA THE SINGLE NUCLEOTIDE REPLACEMENT PATHWAY Genes involved in Resolution of AP sites via the single-nucleotide replacement pathway
0.0 0.5 REACTOME ACYL CHAIN REMODELLING OF PI Genes involved in Acyl chain remodelling of PI
0.0 0.2 REACTOME P38MAPK EVENTS Genes involved in p38MAPK events
0.0 0.0 REACTOME VIF MEDIATED DEGRADATION OF APOBEC3G Genes involved in Vif-mediated degradation of APOBEC3G
0.0 0.2 REACTOME METAL ION SLC TRANSPORTERS Genes involved in Metal ion SLC transporters
0.0 0.7 REACTOME CELL SURFACE INTERACTIONS AT THE VASCULAR WALL Genes involved in Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall
0.0 0.2 REACTOME FORMATION OF INCISION COMPLEX IN GG NER Genes involved in Formation of incision complex in GG-NER
0.0 0.1 REACTOME G0 AND EARLY G1 Genes involved in G0 and Early G1
0.0 0.0 REACTOME CTLA4 INHIBITORY SIGNALING Genes involved in CTLA4 inhibitory signaling
0.0 0.5 REACTOME TRANSFERRIN ENDOCYTOSIS AND RECYCLING Genes involved in Transferrin endocytosis and recycling
0.0 0.0 REACTOME DOWNSTREAM TCR SIGNALING Genes involved in Downstream TCR signaling
0.0 0.2 REACTOME SYNTHESIS OF PIPS AT THE LATE ENDOSOME MEMBRANE Genes involved in Synthesis of PIPs at the late endosome membrane
0.0 0.0 REACTOME PLATELET AGGREGATION PLUG FORMATION Genes involved in Platelet Aggregation (Plug Formation)
0.0 0.1 REACTOME P2Y RECEPTORS Genes involved in P2Y receptors